
Hi , I had a smear done yesterday but my doctor after having some troubling symptoms, bloating, painful pelvis and legs ,discharge and then some post menopause bleeding also  fatique and generally feeling really rundown and weak .

Blood tests came back normal apart to show that I've gone through the meno ( I'm 47) and pelvic xray I was sent for was normal too.

So got a smear test yesterday and doctor said there was a rough patch that bled when she touched it . She is sending me to get an internal ultrasound and referring me too the gynaecology department . 

Is this cervical cancer ? 

Worried .....




Hey, I can understand why you are worried. I too bled when I had my smear test but this was because of a cervical etropian (erosion) so this may be the reason why you bled too. It doesn't necessarily mean you have cervical cancer it may just mean you may have to have your cervix cauterised and this is a quick procedure and lots of women have it done. Hope that this helps 

Thanks x I had asked the doctor if it was erosion but she said it wasn't.  Got an appointment for the 15th with gynecologist, time is dragging in waiting for the appointment and have a constant pain over my left ovary , just want to get the scans and find out what I'm dealing with , fingers crossed it's just needing cleaned up and then regular smear tests x

Hope that you go on alright on 15th. It is such a worry but im sure that you will find out soon enough. Good luck!!!!