Worried and any info/advice appreciated x

Hi. Im a bag of nerves these days. Any info or advice would be much appreciated from any1 please. Im almost 40&have 5 daughters,i live in Northern Ireland. I had a biopsy(believe it was leep treatment) on 26th Feb followin an abnormal cin 3 smear result 8 days previous. The biopsy result last mth showed cin3 with inflamation and also cgin high grade. This was the 1st time that cgin had been mentioned at all. During the biopsy my whole lining of cervix immediately showed white wen dye was put on and alot was removed for tests. I was in so much shock&nothin was explained realy then or since. My next appointment at colyscopy clinic is in August to see if leep in feb has taken all abnormal cells away and i dont know how il settle my mind til then. The smear in feb was 11mths l8(last was in 2012) had abnormal smears in previous yrs but 2nd smear at gp came back normal,so this was 1st time id to go to the colp clinic. I am havin shooting pains that come suddenly up inside me,been havin them for around 1 yr but more frequent&severe nw. Currently trying to get an apt with my GP to speak about pains. Had cysts on my left ovary&tumour on my womb in 2009,3mthly scans&scan in july 2010 showed i was 8wks pregnant with youngest daughter,scan approx 2mths l8r showed no cysts or tumour and since then ive never been scanned again for them. I stil get sharp pains on left side groin tho as i did when knew i had them. Sorry for the longgggg comment,but has anyone exoerienced similar or stage im at? Ive no idea of chance of progression of the results i have. X

Hi Wendy

I'm sorry you are going through this with lots of unanswered questions. You're doing the right thing by trying to see your GP as they can reassure you and hopefully give you some more information and answers, especially about the other problems you've been experiencing with the pains (as far as I'm aware this isn't a symptom related to cervical abnormalities or cervical cancer).

It sounds like they were happy with the results of the colposcopy in February, which is why you don't have to go back until August. Sometimes you have to trust that they know what they are doing, and the biopsy would have indicated any sign of cancer cells. In August they will check to see if the cells have cleared themselves or if they have stayed the same. If they have cleared, then they will probably only want to see you in 12 months time (just to keep an eye on it) but if they have stayed the same they may want to do more treatment such as another loop trreatment where they remove the abnormal cells and send them for testing. 

Please read the sections on this website about abnormalities and colposcopies as that should also help to put your mind at ease.


Hi Wendy I'm currently doing the waiting game for my biopsy  results but at your last colposcopy they will have removed all the cells this check up is just to make sure they are not returning please try not to worry.

As for these pains I could have wrote this! Stabbing pains started in my right side now on left they got to the point they were unbearable which is why I booked my smear (10 months late) and I also booked an appointment with my gp who arranged a scan to see if there was anything and my scan came back completely clear just a fibroid on my cervix they told me my pains could be down to my IBS. I'm not sure if you have anything like this xx