What can I do but wait?

Got my diathermy loop next week under general anaesthetic and the wait is driving me slowly insane. Woke up this morning and had a little spotting, freaked me out then I realised I'm probably just massively stressed and barely slept for the last three weeks and it's around ovulation time too so trying to calm myself down a bit. how does anyone else keep rational? X

the only way I was able to cope while waiting fir results and still am waiting, is to visit my GP who prescribed me antidepressant, I’m but saying that’s it’s tge right thing for you but gut me it has taken the edge off of things. I didn’t eat or sleep for a week. I’m still acious and have dats where I’m terribly tearful and the fear is still there. But I am better than I was. X 

Just saw your post. Sorry to hear the wait was really difficult and I hope everything went well for you this week! xo