Just some reassurance please

Hi everyone 

Newbie here and I'm a big bit scared. I had my colposcopy on Friday after getting some (severe) high grade dyskaryosis results. I had the loop diathermy. The doc said 4 - 6 weeks for my results to come through. To say I'm worried is an understatement. Could anyone hive me any advice on how to keep calm

Thanks for listening 


Hi Lou

The waiting is awful. I took comfort in the fact that at least they have taken steps to remove the abnormal cells. I think it helps to keep busy and try and do anything to take your mind off it. But take time for yourself and do things that make you relax - its bloody annoying that you cant have a long soak :(  

I know its tempting to trawl the internet for information and things to reassure yourself but limit the time you do that. I know it sounds a bit crazy- but set yourself a time limit on the stressing. I literally would give myself an hour of googling and wallowing and then have a word with myself! :)

I hope you feel a bit less worried and scared soon. 
