What a day...

I’ve just paused for today and reflected on everything and everything has just sunk in.

i think all you ladies deserve medals for everything you’re going through, you’re all amazing each and everyone of you!

so my story, abnormal cells in Nov, colposcopy and biopsy confirm CIN3. booked in for a lletz under GA a week later. Wait 3 months for another biopsy last weekend. Get my results on Thursday that says CIN1, I call my dr and she unsure of treatment - maybe wait 3 months, she’ll let me know. She contacts me on Saturday and has decided to cauterise the area, go to hospital this morning and they spend 20 mins trying to get the machine to work, doesn’t work and I’ll need to go into theatre for it, I beg them to do it today because I can’t take the waiting, they get me a slot in the OR ...NOW. I run up to the day ward, grown up and into theatre, she starts burning the area without anesthetic!! I’m literally screaming in pain (please don’t be put off) this x3 and she says ok, we’re done. But I sense she’s not 100% happy, so I tell her - i’ll take the pain again if you want to be more through. Better now than in 3/6 months. So we start the cautery again!! I’ve begged for a local anesthetic. It’s still god dam painful but I grit my teeth and I’m done in about 10 secs. Out dressed and home in 20 mins.

the discomfort has worn off now and I’m just sitting here thinking what a crazy day it’s been.

and to top it all off, we closed on a house today and got the keys. its been a roller coaster of emotion!

but on the plus side, i don’t have anything until a 6 month check up!

So yeh...that was my day! Has anyone else had that pain with a cautery? I need someone to tell me I wasn’t just making that up!