Waiting for result times

Just wondering if anyone is still waiting for results and how long they are taking?

Last year I went for a smear which came back with high grade changes which were treated by lletz however I was called into hospital to be told they found an area of cancer cells with no clear margins. I went for a second lletz and the results were CIN2 but with clear margins. 3 weeks ago I had my test of cure appointment, the nurse said I would have my results in 2 weeks but still nothing. I am so anxious waiting for the letter.

My concern is that I still have HPV which is why they are taking longer. Apparently if you don’t have HPV they give you the all clear but if you do they are sent for further tests.

Has anyone had a similar experience and how long did you wait/ what were your results? Am scared in case those cells have came back as I think the next option will be a hysterectomy.

Thanks xx

I’ve seen results take ages for both abnormal and normal results alike. My smear was 6th October and my abnormal results arrived with my GP by 17th November. I don’t know if the hospital got them earlier. If you got them done at the hospital I would phone them, that’s how I ended up receiving my results after about 3 weekly phone calls.


I’m really not sure on the actual wait times as every area is so different, but I’ve been waiting 5 and a half weeks for my test of cure results and he said it should be 2 weeks :disappointed: my last biopsy results which also resulted in stage 1a1 cc was a 4 week wait so I think it’s normal to wait a fair while. it’s waiting which is the hardest part sending hugs xx

Hey thanks for your replies… I think I might ring the hospital tomorrow if I don’t get a letter in the morning. I was trying to be patient and didn’t want to bother the hospital but I can’t stop worrying about it. Your right waiting is the worst part, I always think the worst!
Sorry to hear you are in similar situation to me, hopefully we get our results soon and fingers crossed all is good for you Xxx

Hey, have you had your results yet? I received a letter today with another appointment for the end of Jan. I’ve rang the hospital and they have said I still have HPV and that I need another colposcopy. Am assuming i must have had abnormal cells too as I didn’t think they would do that just for HPV but i guess I just need to wait and see what happens :cry:Xxx

Oh I’m sorry to hear that it’s not the news you were hoping for, I’m still waiting at 6.5 weeks now they said last week mine hadn’t been put through yet! It’s so upsetting good or bad I just wanted some answers before Xmas ! Hope you enjoy your Christmas try not to let it ruin your day xx

Hi Frankiej. Just wondering if you could go through your test of cure experience?

I had a LLETZ in June for CIN3 (HPV+ also out of the blue) but the biopsy showed 1a1 cc. I had a second LLETZ early August to ensure full excision; biopsy showed only CIN1 in the margins so they were happy with that.

I have my test of cure appointment next Thursday and I don’t know what to expect. I don’t know what ‘box’ I fall into either, did your team explain any ‘what ifs’? Really feeling scared today, possibly more scared than when I actually had cancer !!

Hi Jessica,

Sorry to hear you feeling worries, there’s nothing worse than the unknown. Mine is a little different as before the word cancer was even involved he explain that CGIN is a little hard to get rid of, due to it being the glands and hysterectomy was mentioned straight away. I was very reluctant being only 29. Then when stage 1a1 came into I guess I maybe started to come round to idea it may be the best solution to prevent it coming back. So my test of cure was literally a colonoscopy so putting the dye on to check for white areas, multiple smears and a biopsy of a small mass they found. They wanted me to be all clear before going on the list for a hysterectomy. My results are all clear thank god. So waiting for a long term solution hysterectomy. Hope this helps, I’m happy to answer any other worries.
