Waiting for LLETZ 6 month follow-up and pregnancy

Hi to anyone reading,

I had LLETZ treatment in Dec 2020 for CIN3 abnormality. Prior to the appointment, I spoke to the gynae asking how having LLETZ could affect my attempts at conceiving, as my husband and I were planning on trying for a baby this year. She said it wouldn’t be affected and that I would be able to start trying after I’ve healed, but to wait until I have a smear test 6 months after treatment to make sure all abnormal cells had gone, as smear tests can’t be carried out when pregnant.

I received a letter in Jan 2021 saying that the treatment appeared to be successful and that I will be given an appointment for a follow-up cervical screening in 6 months time. Fast forward to this month and I’m still waiting for an appointment. I spoke to the hospital and they said there’s a big backlog, with people who were due to be seen in March only getting appointments now, meaning that there’s a 4-5 month backlog and with those timings I wouldn’t be called until Nov/Dec. I know the NHS are so overworked and I understand why appointments are running all behind.

I guess I’m just feeling a bit deflated and rubbish about it. I was really hoping to have my smear test done in June and then could start trying to get pregnant this summer. I feel like a year has just been wasted in a way, which I know sounds dramatic. Because it’s our first time trying I have just natural concerns regarding fertility etc. and so I’m anxious about leaving it for longer. I’m even thinking like we could’ve just started trying for a baby straight after I healed from my LLETZ and even had a baby by the time I get an appointment. Part of me is thinking should we just start trying anyway and just see what happens, because we might not even conceive by Nov/Dec.

Basically I’m trying to weigh up whether to start trying for a baby soon and risk not being able to know if all abnormal cells have gone until after giving birth (assuming we conceive within a few months), or wait until I get my smear test even though the results from the LLETZ showed success?

Thank you for reading!

Hello. I had CIN 3 also. 6 months after my lletz I just booked an appointment with my GP (doctor) surgery to get a smear done with the nurse for test of cure and then waited for the results to see if they needed to see me at the hospital. Then you’d know after a couple of weeks what the results are X

Hi Khad

My consultant told me that I didn’t need to wait the 6 months before TTC, so after my 6 weeks appointment we could have started trying. This is because my 2nd lletz I had showed no further evidence of abnormal cells. All consultants give different advice.

But we waited as I took the Gardasil9 vaccine and the last dose was at 6 months after anyways.
Had my 6 month follow up in July, and we have now started before I even received those results back (3 more weeks wait for results).

I understand smears and colposcopy can be done during pregnancy BUT treatment such as lletz cannot. Treatment would need to wait till after delivery, so there is the risk.

Any chance you can get a private screen done before the NHS one?

Thank you so much for replying. I did think about whether I could have the follow up smear test at my GP surgery, but I thought maybe the hospital would want it done there if they were going to do a colposcopy too. I spoke to my GP on the phone the other day to say that I was awaiting an appointment from the hospital and I wasn’t offered the option to have it done with them, but I might try asking that in a few weeks if I still have no appointment. Thanks again for getting back to me.

Thank you so much for your reply. My understanding was that smears and colposcopy could not be done while pregnant as that’s what the gynae told me, but maybe she meant biopsy and I misunderstood.

I rang the gynae department in June to see what the situation was with my appointment, and I mentioned about could I have my smear done privately, and they just advised not to do that but I don’t know why :confused:

Glad to hear from someone in a similar situation so thank you for taking the time to reply.

The hospital actually told me to get my smear done at my GPS . The hospital got the results and sent the results and follow up letter 2weeks after. Hope this helps. I just booked a smear and told them it was 6month test of cure x