I had a colposcopy, lletz procedure and biopsy taken on Wednesday (4 days ago). I've had mild cramping in my tummy and back since but presumed that's due to the fact I should be on my period but have taken 2 pill packs to delay it for the appointment. Today I am urinating a lot more and I have a stabbing pain in my side. Are UTIs common after a colposcopy or lletz?


Many thanks in advance :)

Hi Rachy,


I thought I'd replied to this post but it looks like it didn't go through.


How are you feeling now? Please do ring your GP, you don't even need to speak to a gp to pick up a sample bottle and be tested x


Thanks for your response. I started to get an offensive odour so then doctor has prescribed me with a course of antibiotics as he said its probably a mild infection of some sort 

I hope you feel well again soon. So pleased you got in touch with your GP. x

Antibiotics already working a treat! Just hoping results following the lletz get back to me quickly now