upset/ worried

Hi all,

I’m beyond worrying. I had my smear two weeks ago and was suppost to have my colposcopy and Lletz today but I had to rearrange. I suppose they must have seen something bad to already say I need the Lletz. I thought normally the do the colposcopy first then decide. smear the nurse was asking if I had bleeding in-between of periods or after sex. I didn’t think of anything at the time. But after google, yes google I’m beginning to wonder if there is a reason she asked. This was my first smear. Nearly 27 and I’m worrying more because I was told I had lesions on my cervix two years ago but foolishly didn’t think anything of it. I’m.just wondering has anyone been in the same predicament ie asking questions like that at the smear and what was their put come. My smear came back 6 days later with high grade (severe) dyskaryosis. And was booked in form the colposcpy/ lletz a week later. Thanks

Hi Amelia

Please try not to worry. I too was asked questions like that at my smear and then again at my repeat smear. I was asked if I bled inbetween periods or after sex. I think this is just routine for every body.

My results also came back as high grade (severe) dyskaryosis and I was also informed that I would more than likely have to have the lletz treatment on the same day and too was booked in the following week for treatment, however I couldnt attend that one so it was re arranged.

Once I got my results after lletz it confirmed CIN2 & CIN3 and was informed the treamtent should have removed all abnormalities. I've recently had my results from my follow up smear which came back clear.

Good luck with your treatment and results. Try and keep yourself busy in the mean time and keep your mind occupied. xx