Two different results....


I had 4 small biopsies taken which showed CIN 3, so I was recalled back the following week for LLETZ treatment. 

That was 4 weeks ago, and I’ve received a letter this morning saying that the tissue removed from the LLETZ showed changes amounting to CIN 1 and I just need to have a follow-up smear in 6 months. 

So now I’m confused - which one is it..?! 

Hi. It sounds like they got rid of all the CIN 3 during the LLETZ. After they do a LLETZ they take a biopsy to see if they got it all and it seems like they got all the CIN 3 but there was cin1 remaining. Does that make sense?

Ah OK, I assumed thay they test the tissue that was removed from the LLETZ (they showed me the chunk of it in the little specimen tube after they’d removed it!) - as far as I know they didn’t take anything else afterwards... :-/