Trying for a baby

Hi :blush: just thought I would share my journey so far as it may be better. Just wanted some advice really as a little nervous.

My first smear was 2018 and I had slight changes come back in a year. I went back the next year and had abnormal referred to the colonoscopy.
They looked and wrote down ectropian but happy not to do biopsy and couldn’t see anything changing etc. see you in three years. Due sept 2022

I had a pelvic examination late 2021 and they found redness on my cervix so referred me again.
Went back had two biopsy’s done had the internal check over and I was discharged from hospital with no CIN found in biopsy.

Amazing news :heart:

So we are trying for our first baby after getting married in May, my smear is due sept this year (2022) and I checked last year if I needed an earlier smear and my doctor said no.

After speaking today with my doctor about pill and starting to try etc he did say I may need a smear before hand ?

Has anyone else experienced this ? I’m slightly panicking as I feel like I’ve had quite a lot of checks compared to other people :heart: I checked this last year because I didn’t want treatment (letz) if I wanted to start trying this year.

I’m probably over thinking it but I just want another opinion. My doctor hasn’t seen my letter from hospital saying no CIN I’m just worried I have another abnormal smear and go through the whole cycle again ?

Thank you

Hi there,

Congratulations on your decision to have a baby and getting a clear smear result. Why not tell your doctor about your worries and take along a copy of the hospital letter if your GP doesn’t have it (they should have been sent a copy by the hospital anyway)? I have often taken in copies of letters to appointments.

Thank you, the hospital said they will resend it tomorrow for me which is fab and I’m probably worrying over nothing but because I’ve been in and out waiting on results I’m a bit anxious. I can’t complain because they have been really good checking things. In my head I just think ive had a very in-depth smear without having the first part of the smear :rofl: I’ve skipped a step in November.