Survivor stories

I’ve recently been diagnosed with stage 2 1A I have three kids and I’m 43 l cannot stop the dark thoughts about not making it to 60 being there for my kids or sharing old age with my husband. I’m scared and sad. I’m ready to rock treatment but I’m really struggling with how this is making me feel on the daily. I was such a positive person before this. I am exploring counselling tomorrow but I’d love to hear your stories. I’ve become obsessed with old ladies! l just want to be one :heart:


At 61, you’d probably consider me an old lady! First diagnosed September 2018 with stage 2b. Then got a no evidence of disease result after chemoradiation.

9 months later it was back. I had a total pelvic exenteration in 2020 and I’m off abroad on holiday again tomorrow!

I’ve always tried to be positive throughout, though I’ve had some dark days along the way. But I’ve always just got on with the next thing and kept going. I’ve never had any issues since my exenteration surgery, and never had further treatment or been back in hospital except to have my gallbladder out last September which was nothing to do with my cancer or indeed any cancer!

Hope this can let you see there are survivors out there-focus on positive stories rather than the negative, and good luck with whatever treatment you’re having. :heart:


Hi @Amyh
Sorry you are going through this. I was diagnosed with 1B1 poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma in September 2023. I had a radical hysterectomy in October. I am doing well.
I have two young children and have had the same worries and thoughts as you mentioned. Now I’m almost recovered and it is getting easier and I am able to be more positive!
Hope you know your treatment plan soon. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questionsx


Hi @Amyh I was diagnosed with stage 2B in January last year (actually one year ago today!) I commenced treatment in March and finished in May 2023. I was 39 when diagnosed. I was lucky enough not to suffer too much from treatment (a few bowels issues which I was given things to help with) but otherwise found the treatment very manageable. My energy levels weren’t the same but that slowly improves! Just listen to your body and if you need to rest then make sure you do. Wishing you all the luck for your treatment - you’ve got this! x


It’s so hard isn’t it, having to deal with this dreadful disease. Having said that, I was stage 2b2 in August 2019, went through chemo and radiation treatment and just celebrated 4 years clear. No horrible late effects either, just a bit of a chemo brain and a bit of neuropathy but nothing too bad :heart::rose:


Hello. Just wanted to chip in. It will be 6 years for me next month (stage 2B) just take one day at a time, drink plenty of water and lean on friends and family for support <3