Success stories?

Hey ladies. Just wondering where all the 1b2 sucess stories are? Having a rough day. 

Hi Jen,

Sorry to hear you're having a rough day. There are many success stories from all stages. Many people who are doing well don't always come in the forums often though. That being said, there are many positive stories. I hope some other women come on and give you some support ❤

Hey there 

hope your feeling a bit better , it's tough isn't it , our minds run wild sometimes and we get ourselves in to a bad place . 

I had Cervical cancer adenocarcinoma 1b1 in December 2013 , after a radical hysterectomy I was given the great news no further treatment Required however in 2015 it came back , diagnosed recurrence to the ovary ( they left my ovarys in due to my age and having natural menopause ) more surgery followed by chemo and radiotherapy ........ 

Fast forward and up  to date I'm still no evidence of disease , although this might not be the kind of success story you expected , I just wanted to share that despite recurrence I'm still here and doing ok , so keeping my fingers crossed when I say success !!

sometimes it's really hard to stay positive and the rough days are rubbish but there are many many success / positive story's out there. Stay strong lovely.  

Greeni xx 


i was diagnosed 1b2 in sept 2017. Had 25 radio, 5 chemo and 2 brachy and got the all clear in March 18.

just had an MRI scan on friday to make sure still all clear but have to wait for these results now. I think the waiting is the worst.

I have my good days and bad days and always worrying about a reoccurrence but we just need to stay positive! :) 

hope your ok x

I agree with Boundie. A stage 1 cancer is very early and most people do very well and are back leading their lives

If it's any furtherchelp I have survived stage 3 for more than twenty years.

Karen x 


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Hi Greening,

I am in the midst of talks with cobsultant re hysterectomy . Yr case grabbed my attention. If you had a radical hysterectomy, that means yr cervix was removed. Can you please share the ovarian cancer , was that linked to cervical cancer or a new cancer ?? 

If you don't mind me asking , how old are you Greening?

Kat x