Still unexplained pain and bleeding !

Hi first time posting ! 28 years old, no children yet. Just looking for any answers /advice . I went to my GP in May due to having pelvic pain and sometimes bleeding after sex , at the time I had a copper IUD (had it for around 3 years) and thought maybe there was an issue with this that was causing it. My GP said the coil looked fine and referred me to the colposcopy clinic due to my symptoms. I had already been under colposcopy in 2016 when my first smear showed low grade and borderline abnormalities, I had a LLETZ procedure to remove this and had a normal smear result 6 month later.

Colposcopy arranged a telephone consultation due to covid in which they advised I request a pelvic scan and a smear from my GP before my face to face colposcopy appointment 8 weeks later. My smear results came back as moderate abnormal cells and I was given an appointment a few days later which was terrifying ! When I went to the appointment the doctor removed my IUD she also advised that from what she could see the abnormalities didn't match up to being moderate and seemed mild at most. She didn't want to do another LLETZ unless she has to as I'm only young and haven't had kids yet. She decided to take a biopsy and wait for the results before deciding on treatment. 
Whilst waiting for my results I went for my pelvic scan. By this point it was September 2020. The GP advised that the scan showed nothing sinister however did show that I have a polyp which could be causing the bleeding and also I have cysts on one of my ovaries. My periods are regular and always have been. He advised that I'd been referred to a gynaecologist who should be in touch within 4 weeks , however now week 7 and I've heard nothing.  The colposcopy clinic wrote to me to say my biopsy showed only mild abnormalities and that she would be discussing my case at a meeting and would be in touch regarding a plan going forward , This is again around 4 weeks ago.

Im still having the same symptoms, pain during sex, cramping in my pelvis following sex and sometimes blood which is bright red and fresh. I'm also experiencing reduced vaginal discharge which is a new symptom. I'm so worried about what's going on and desperate for some answers ! Any advice would be great , I plan to call my GP tomorrow to see if there's any update as I'm so anxious over it all, worrying that they've missed something  

thanks in advance !