So scared

Hi I’m new to the site, I’m 21 with a 6 month old baby, I recently went to the gp because I noticed abnormal bleeding in between periods and after sex, they referred me for what the though was an erosion. Soon after I started experiencing pelvic pain like stabbing pains with a strong bloating and dull ache. Been seen at the hospital and I’ve been referred for a coloscopy. They said my cervix appeared red with some discharge. I’m loosing my mind and making myself sick with worry because I don’t want to leave my baby behind. How long after the coloscopy would you find results x

Hi Hannah 

pls take a deep breath and relax your shoulders, I am telling you right now that you are not going to leave your baby. There are many reasons you could be having these symptoms and even in the worst case scenario you still will not die anytime soon!!!! 

at the colposcopy they will put a vinager like solution on your cervix and have a good look and then you will know a bit more. In the meantime try not to worry as I'm sure it's not something to sinister going on and I'm sure with a little treatment of some kind this will all be resolved!!

sending you a big virtual hug!!