Smear test concerns


I’m 23 and I have a 6 year old daughter. For maybe a year now I’ve been having pain during sex and I bleed sometimes after and occasionally I have some spotting in between periods. I never thought anything of it until I went for a routine smear test a week ago. I found the smear test extremely sore and the nurse had to go get another nurse as things didn’t look right. I’m still sore and I’m still bleeding despite having the test done a week ago. I have the doctors on the 16th of August and should hopefully have my smear test results then. However I’m extremely worried as I’ve been googling symptoms for cervical cancer! A few agos I had been off work as I had been pooing blood (too much info I know!) I went to the doctors and they thought I had food poisoning…but I hadn’t been sick or anything? Anyway another symptom was swelling in the legs, again I got this and I went to the doctors and they didn’t know what it was and told me to monitor it. I’m probably letting my imagination run wild and I’m sure its nothing to worry about! Has anyone else gone through similar symptoms? Thanks!

Hi Hun

I've not experienced this but didnt want to read and run! I know it's easier said than done but try not to let your imagination run too wild! I've read other stories on here where girls have had similar symtpoms to yours and they have been fine :)

Stay away from google as well! You always see the worst case scenarios and less of the positive ones.

Hopefully someone will come along who has experienced your symptoms and be able to offer you some advice.

Good luck with your results :) xx

Thank you so much Meg123 for replying! I appreciate it :)