Should be relieved but scared over potential cell progression. Am i being too sensitive and paranoid?

Short back story, over the past 6 years i have had one lot of cin2 removed and two lots of cin3 removed, each time with HPV present. After my most recent 6 monthly smear i was called back in for a colposcopy yesterday as HPV is still present but they were unsure of cell abnormalities. 

I had a new doctor yesterday who i have never seen before, after the colpscopy he said there doesnt appear to be any abnormal cells showing and i can now go back to a smear every 3 years. I asked whether that was still satisfactory even with HPV and my history of cells growing from not-present after LLETZ removal to cin3 within 6 months and he said that hes certain everything would be fine so theres no need to worry and a smear in 3 years would cover me for anything progressing.

Im not asking for any special treatment but my previous consultant who i have always seen was discussing the need for a hysterectomy at my last appointment if the HPV doesnt clear or the cells are at risk of returning however this new consultant has basically said "youre fine, off you go". Im trying not to be paranoid but knowing how fast my cells have progressed in the past i am scared at the thought of waiting 3 years for anymore results when up until now ive been having them every 6 months.

Am i being paranoid? I know i should be pleased and relieved but i just dont feel that way.

Hi, I don't think you are being paranoid and perhaps you could get a second opinion to put your mind at rest. In December my Consultant said that if HPV is present in Sep 18 then he recommends thinking about a hysterectomy so that's similar to your previous Consultant's view. There is also the option for private smears if the NHS decide that 3 years is adequate and you want added reassurance. Take care and I hope you feel better soon. 

Hi, I don't think you are being paranoid and perhaps you could get a second opinion to put your mind at rest. There is also the option for private smears if the NHS decide that 3 years is adequate and you want added reassurance. Take care and I hope you feel better soon. 

Thanks for your reply slb. Having had more time to think about i and discussing things with my partner, we decided i will have a privtae smear in 12 months time to put both our minds at rest and likely again in 24 months until the NHS one comes around in 3 years. I am definitely not happy about the decision to go to 3 yearly and we feel the extra cost of going private would be well worth it if it turned out something was there. I understand the need for guidelines in the NHS but feel that situations arent always black and white, there is often a very large grey area. Hope things continue to look positive for yourself and your treatment x