Shock result

Hello Everyone
I had my first smear recently which came back showing cell changes (high grade dyskaryosis). I have been booked in for a colposcopy next Monday and i’m in shock and very upset. I don’t understand a lot of this and the speed is worrying. I don’t know who to talk to and just keep crying.
Any guidance or support would be really helpful.
Thank you in advance!

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Hi Bec,

Big hugs to you. Us women go through so many emotions when on this screening programme, so you’re not alone.

I know it may seem very quick to be referred to colposcopy but this is a good thing. You’ll hopefully have some answers next week as to a plan of action. Just make sure you take a list of questions, no matter how silly you think they are.

You’d be surprised on how many women go through this. The more people I’ve spoken to, have also been through similar situations and its good to talk.

Stay away from google and keep to safe and factual places like here.

Shout if you need anything, even if it’s just to vent. We all know it’s frustrating.
