Severe pain from biopsy

I had a colposcopy today which resulted in having a biopsy taken. The nurse said she could see changes and expecting either a cin 2 or 3 grade.

I am just in so much pain from the biopsy site. Pain is radiating down my leg, across my hip & lower back. I just don’t know what to do with myself.

Pain management is complicated for me as I have other underlying conditions (rheumatoid arthritis & Fibromyalgia & me/cfs!). I already take heavy duty painkillers & have a hyper sensitivity to pain. So when something painful happens to my body, it feels more severe & can have trouble turning off the pain signals once they’ve started.
I’m taking my maximum dose of painkillers (zapain, naproxen, pregabalin) but it’s wearing off very quickly. I’ve got a hot water bottle & heat pad on.

I don’t think there’s much anyone can suggest. I just want to vent I guess. Probably doesn’t help with my levels of anxiety & stress related to biopsy results & the fact I know they already want to schedule treatment.

I’m 41 now and had cin1 when I was 18. They just took a watch & wait approach because of my age which involved biopsies being taken every 6 months for a couple of years. I remember from back then how much pain it caused me even back then. :cry:

Sorry to hear the pain you’re in. I had biopsies the other day, not nice at all. I would suggest speaking to your GP, so they can make sure you don’t have an infection. Hope the pain eases soon!

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I’m having a bad time too. Do you have bad period pains mine were always excruciating.

I totally get you byopsy was painful for me also I had LLETZ after and didn’t feel any pain from that because of the local anesthetic did the job perfectly and I felt 0 . If I need byopsy ever again I already asked my gynecologist if I could ask for local anesthetic she said yes sure no problem so definitely will do that if I ever need them again, really hope I don’t. Take care and hope you feel better soon it took me about 2 weeks to feel better after the byopsy

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Thanks, that’s reassuring.
It’s only been about 30 hours since having it so need to go easy on myself & just rest a bit I think.

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Yes. Always had very painful & heavy periods. The pain in the last 8 months has been even worse than usual. Wonder if it’s related :thinking:

Definitely think it’s related, it’s the same pain X

I actually think I’ve got my period early now as well just to add that to the mix! It’s just a laugh a minute being a woman! :crazy_face:
The pain I was feeling yesterday from the biopsy actually felt different. Was more of a sharp sore than cramps & it was in a very specific internal part. My cramps are more generalised area. Now I have both type of pains. Although the biopsy area is starting to ease.