
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with cancer last Tuesday after my second lletz treatment (consultant said results of this biopsy were a shock as cancer was “under” the cervix). I have had CT scan and will get results on Tuesday next week. I am petrified! I was stupid stupid stupid and after having an abnormal smear when I was 18 I never went back for another 18 years!! I’m terrified that given all that time it could have spread God knows where. I have an 11 month old and 3 grown up daughters. Sorry to rant on but is it just me that can’t help thinking the worst? I’m having awful thoughts. Thanks for reading.

Hi Lisa

I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this, it is a very scary time and the waiting for results is awful. Did they not give you any idea of staging at the diagnosis? Sometimes they are able to do so, but maybe not in every case. Try not to think about worst case scenario (easier said than done, I know!) and once you have the CT results you will have more information and will know how you and your medical team are going to tackle it. I'd advise reading all the info on this site, as it is much more reliable than others you might find and you don't want to get any inaccurate information.

In my experience of people I have spoken to and things I have read, often later stage cc is more visible during a colposcopy. I had stage 1, and mine was also "hiding" in the cervical canal rather than on the surface, so my doctor was also surprised to find cancer cells after the biopsy.

Try to keep yourself busy between now and the results so you don't let your imagination run wild. If you find yourself thinking about it, make a list of all the things you want to know, so that when you go to your next appointment you can ask away. If the colposcopy clinic gave you details of a CNS (clinical nurse specialist) it might help you to call them and they are usually pretty good at reassuring you and answering questions. 


Hi Lisa :-)

Sorry you are having such a scary time right now but very pleased you have found us here. FrankieApples above has some great advice so all I want to add is that this is a very curable cancer, it's not like some other types, and that's why this forum is such a nice place to be :-) So if your fears are running away with you just stick around here and read and chat and you'll find out for yourself what a cheerful site this is :-)

Be lucky :-)

WOW thanks guys I feel better already after reading your comments! you're right Tivoli it's a sanctuary on here. FrankieApples its so good to hear from Someone who seems to have had something similar. They didn't give any indication as to staging just said that pending CT results...I would be having radical hysterectomy and lymph removal. I'm also worried as  opted for CT instead of MRI as I'm claustrophobic but what if that doesn't show everything? crikey I'm driving myself mad. Part of me can't wait for my appointment to get the waiting over but im also frightened to death of what they'll say. My nurse is fantastic but unfortunately she's been away on holiday this week xxxx


WOW thanks guys I feel better already after reading your comments! you're right Tivoli it's a sanctuary on here. FrankieApples its so good to hear from Someone who seems to have had something similar. They didn't give any indication as to staging just said that pending CT results...I would be having radical hysterectomy and lymph removal. I'm also worried as  opted for CT instead of MRI as I'm claustrophobic but what if that doesn't show everything? crikey I'm driving myself mad. Unfortunately I knew a lady who died of the same thing this time last year...she had all clear after a year but it came back so I think that is at the forefront of my mind. Part of me can't wait for my appointment to get the waiting over but im also frightened to death of what they'll say. My nurse is fantastic but unfortunately she's been away on holiday this week xxxx

Hi Lisa

Is it today you get your CT results? Hope you're ok.


Hi Frankie, thank you for remembering! It was the best news I could've hoped for :-)They said it as better than they thought (not sure what they thought) and that providing the tumour isn't larger than they think when they do internal under general I will go ahead with the radical hysterectomy and lymph removal with hopefully no radiotherap. The nurse actually came into the waiting room to tell me it was quite good news as I was about to pass out with anxiet. They didn't actually tell me what stage it was or where etc and although I feel an immense relief....I still feel a bit in the dark. Does this mean when I have the op that's it or i it likely to return etc? Thank you again for listening xxx

Hi Lisa

That's great news! You should definitely find out more info from your consultant as to staging etc. and do plenty of research on this site about the surgery so you can go in feeling as prepared as possible!

A lot of people with early stage cc get an all clear very quickly after surgery - I had a trachelectomy and got the all clear about 2 weeks later. 


Hi Frankie, think you're right about finding out more (staging etc). I have done a bit research regarding hysterectomy but there isn't much information about radical....this site has been so helpful- learning from people's real life experiences is much more reassuring. thank you again for taking the time to reply xxx