Scared of treatment starting

As my treatment is due to start tomoz i am so scared just keep crying not sure how i am gonna get threw this xx

Hey Helpme, 

I know you will be scared, it's only natural & it's the unknown too. Who'd have thought you'd be dealing with this? Wasn't in your life plan was it?....but, you've done the scary bit, been told, processed the news & now is your time to do something about it. 

Treatment can be hard going, everyone reacts differently to it and has different side effects so don't think you will get everything that you read about but do ne prepared to be tired & have some discomfort & possibly pain. The medical team become your 2nd family and you live in a bubble for a few weeks. I felt once I started treatment I was actually doing something about the cancer & not being ruled by it.

Will be thinking of you tomorrow, get the first 1 out of the way & you will feel better. Just go with the flow, rest when tired, cry when sad or fed up, smash a plate when mad : ) & j7st be kind to yourself. You will get through this..

Take care & keep us posted how you get on

Flo xx


Thanks  so much  the pain im already  in daily carnt  b much worse i have a bilateral  nephrostomy to help  support my kidneys threw  treatment and they r infected  so i hope  they still  go ahead  tomoz

Hi Helpme, sounds like you have some other medical issues to grapple with as well as the treatment. I am sure the team who is treating you will give you great care. I found the nurses especially so caring and friendly. They have seen many people feeling scared and apprehensive, so do share it with them. I can't agree more with everything that Flo has said. I am sure when you get started, the fear will subside as the waiting is then over and you will have begun to deal with it. I think we all find the waiting the hardest thing to cope with, so you are nearly at the start line. Good luck for tomorrow, and hope it all goes so much better than you are anticipating. 

Good luck for today.

Let us know how you get on.

Love and hugs.xx


well round one is about to start and yes it can be very scary indeed. BUT. You are going to kick your cancer in the butt and ban it from your body. It might not be easy but you will find the strength inside to do this. Keep your chin up and stay focused on the end goal!! 

We are all in your corner cheering you on. 

Everyday you go, you are one step closer to the end. 

Good luck sweetie

Well  treatment  did  start  today  feel lik i had  the life zapped out  of me dnt  help i have  an hr or just over traveling  each way  i just keep crying  tonight x

Hi Helpme

Chin up. Mine starts Monday. You can get through this.

Love and hugsxx

Hi helpme

i had a 45-55 minute drive each way to treatment. I drove myself as I was feeling well enough to do so. After the first week I started to enjoy the ride. I would listen to all kinds of music depending on my mood. There were days I was screaming along to the music and found that the ride was actually therapeutic for me. Usually I hate driving and don't enjoy music but I found this new thing a great distraction and outlet for me. I would also notice nice things during the ride that made me feel a little better inside. 

I know it is hard to stay positive and not think about the horribleness of this but you must try to absorb the good things around you during this time as it will help you. Awaken all your senses and allow them to take over your thoughts of despair. You have no choice but to go through this so turn this experience into an adventure or growing curve for your life. 

Everyday that I was in treatment I would keep a journal of 1 thing during my day that was nice. Maybe it was a nice nurse or the way the morning sun warmed my face in the car. Please do try to keep your chin up. We all need to cry but also need to smile as both are medicine for the body and mind. 

Big hugs!!!!

Everyone seems to cope so well everything  just seems to b draining  me wish i was  as good as you lovely ladies

Hi Helpme

Don't be fooled lovely I have many a wobbly moment. Last weekend being one of them, so don't be so hard on yourself.

This is a tough journey we're on but your treatment will be over soon. You'll get there.

Love and hugs.xx

Hi Helpme :-)

Perhaps you have never had much opportunity to show the world how big and strong you really are! Perhaps people around you have always been over-protective and so you have become to feel that you need that. If you have never been allowed to strut and to shine then your self-esteem will be lower than it should be and that could make you very nervous of what lies ahead. If what I have just written rings any bells, then take this opportunity of having treatment as your chance to show the world what a complete miracle you really are! Make friends at the hospital, be chatty, ask the other women about themselves, offer to share snacks with them.

Be lucky :-)

Thanks  all this  advice  is so helpful  not being allowed my partner in chemo next  week is worrying  me  hes my rock but they  only allow someone to sit in there for ur first  treatment  i would be lost with the forums thanks  so much  xx

Hi Helpme

Have you had your first chemo then? How did it go?

I don't think my hubby is going to stay for mine next week. He's abit impatient and I don't think I could cope with that. I going to read and watch a few films I think. I already have a snuggly shawl lined up.

Love and hugs.xx

Ye i had  it Monday  it was ok i was given potasium n magisum  then  my chemo  drug  as long with flushes  between  items was ok  just a very draining day as i had to  have  bloods to make sure i was  fit enough then i had radiotherapy  after everyone  was lovely ask anything  u want  if  i have  not menchioned  it  x

Glad to hear it went ok for you.


Hey ladies

just wanted to say dont worry about not having anyone with you on chemo days,theres always someone to chat to. My friend came with me every time,she was allowed in the first dat but the other times she sat in the cafe for hours. I felt ok knowing she was just outside and we chatted on the phone or texted each other all the time. Get yourself a good book and take your ipod,the time flies by. You will be fine theough this,and think positive all the way:)xxx

Thanks Brucegirl.

I am also a little nervous about this as I just read the side effects leaflet and scared myself to death.

Love and hugsxx

Hi there ladies. 

Most of us get through the first 2 weeks without any side effects and usually the worst side effect is the diarrhea that kicks in. Do go buy yourself some Imodium and flush wet wipes as these items will get used. If you cannot control the diarrhea with the Imodium just ask your team for something. Do not worry about a top knotch diet. Eat whatever you can keep in your system. Keep drinking lots and lots of water before radio everyday as a full bladder helps protect fr the radiation causing to much harm. You might also feel a burning sensation when you use the bathroom. A peri bottle was so helpful as I would spray as I went and it would help drastically. 

Good luck with the coming days

Thank you Lolli.

I'm making a list if things to get.xx

Love and hugs.