Referred to Gynacologist - so worried


Hi All, this site is so helpful.  Two years ago I had an abnormal smear and positive virus result, was referred for a colopscopy which was clear.  Over the last 6 weeks ive had some irrgular bleeding, bleeding between periods and constant dull pain in my lower stomach.  I spoke to the doctor who anted to do an examination same day, she only looked for 5 seconds and said she could see an abnormality and drew my a little picture of where she could see a lump/growth/raised area.  she has sent me for an urgent referral and i am in a state of panic.  I know it could be nothing but the contant pain makes me feel like its probably something.


Hiya ?

Well the most important thing is that you have been referred. You just need to try and stay sane until the appointment now! Stay away from Google, and try not to worry too much. There are other explanations for these things sometimes, and at the moment you don't know you have anything to worry about. 

Give us an update on here when you get some news, wishing you the very best XXX 

I am so sorry for this horrible fear that you are experiencing right now.  The fear and waiting is so crippling and anxiety inducing. I echo Klaw in saying that as impossible as it seems, try to keep yourself from reading too much or even thinking too much.  I had a system of allowing myself a brief chunk of worry time each day, but outside of it, if I started panicking and reading, I would get up and take a walk or call a friend or listen to music--anything to just get my mind thinking of something else.

Try not to diagnose yourself since there is no way to know what is happening until you actually know.  Worry feels like a productive use of time, but really it just saps emotional energry that could be better spent another way.  


Sending you a ton of positive energy.

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Thank you so much for replying, i have settled a little and just have moments of panic now.  My appointment is Friday Morning so not too long to wait.  

Thank you so much for replying, i have settled a little and just have moments of panic now.  My appointment is Friday Morning so not too long to wait.