Pregnant after 2 LLETZ for CGIN/AIS, who measures the cervix length?

Hi there,
It’s very early early days but I just found out I was pregnant.
Had two back to back LLETZ for CGIN cells, then had a very early miscarriage (chemical pregnancy) the first month of trying after the procedures, and now I am pregnant again.

I was told by my consultant (I had my two LLETZ done privately) that I would have my cervix regularly measured when pregnant. Who does that ? Your midwife? An NHS obgyn? How do I ask to have that done every two weeks ?

Thank you so much for helping me out!

You should have a “booking appointment” with a midwife around 8-9 weeks pregnant (check with your GP or your preferred hospital’s website as to how to arrange this appointment as I think it varies from trust to trust). At the booking appointment the midwife will go through a number of questions with you about your history - you should raise here your history of abnormal cells and then the midwife should flag this in your file.

This will then be escalated to a consultant for advice as to when you should start the cervical length scans and the first one will then be booked in for you. The scans should be at the hospital I would expect.

I have a son who is nearly 2 and I had a LLETZ about 18 months before he was born. He was born overseas and I had no issues with cervical length when I was pregnant with him.

I now live in the U.K. and I am 19 weeks pregnant - because I had no issues with my first baby I am just getting my cervical length checked at my anatomy scan at 20 weeks on the advice of the consultant but in your case I expect that the scans will start a lot sooner as it’s your first baby.