Pregnant 2 years after Lletz

so I am 13 weeks pregnant and have just found out I will now need regularly monitoring at the Premature Prevention clinic!

I am freaking out! I have an appointment in 2 weeks time.

I have had 1 Lletz treatment and the area removed was pretty large even though only CIN1

Has anyone else had the monitoring? How did you find it? My midwife said I'll be monitored for the next 3 months every 2-4 weeks and if everything is okay I'll be discharged and back to low risk pregnancy.

Hi :)

Congratulations on your pregnancy!

I had two LLETZ treatments in October and December 2016 and then got pregnant in June 2017.

I was also monitored by the preterm clinic and had appointments monthly from about 16 weeks. They carry out an ultrasound to measure the length of your cervix and then if the length is shorter than expected for the number of weeks that you are, you may have to have a stitch put in to hold your cervix closed until later on in pregnancy.

My cervix always measured the expected length at my appointments and so I did not require a stitch or any other treatment and even though I spent most of my pregnancy worried about the baby coming early, I ended up having to be induced as she was showing no signs of arriving after I was two weeks overdue!

I hope all goes well at your appointment.
