Post treatment weight gain

Hi all,
Wondering if anyone has experienced post treatment weight gain. My menopause symptoms have been pretty mild so far (about two months post treatment). Mostly just hot flashes and waking up warm at night. My energy so far is good and I believe I’m back to a similar activity level/gym routine as before treatment. My issue is I just keep gaining weight especially in my midsection and hips!
I’d like to know if anyone else has experienced this and if it leveled out after some time or after starting HRT or even natural forms of HRT.

Hi Dandy,

I did experience weight gain after treatment. I have always been super active and never had weight issues. After treatment I noticed I was gaining weight rapidly (went from a size 6 to a size 10).

I tried every trick to lose weight but nothing seemed to work until I decided to take a look at my calorie intake. Up until menopause, I could eat 2000 calories a day easily! Well not anymore. The only way I’m losing the weight is by cutting back on the calories. I did that by reducing the size of my meals but making sure my meals are nutrient dense (not calorie dense). So in other words, small meals packed with nutrients that are low in calories. I never go to bed hungry and have increased my cardio to accelerate the fat loss.

It seems to be working for me. Feel free to ask questions. Happy to help where/if I can.



Ugh me too, piled on nearly a stone afterwards. The Radiographer said the treatment (Chemo and Radiation) take around a marathons worth of energy from you per week. Then when you finish that drops off and your body has to adapt to using less energy again.

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Hi Dandy,

I gained 8 kg in a year post treatment and seriously I think i was eating less than before. As I am struggling a lot and any diets do not seem to work I started going to the gym almost everyday to try control it which looks like it works as I haven’t gained after that but I am still not loosing… I will see how it will go finger :crossed_fingers:. I hope you find some balance and if you have a positive outcome please share​:blush: ps. I am not on HRT.
