Post recurrence positive story

hi there everybody 


I just wanted to share my story with you all.  In December 2013 I was was diagnosed with 1b1 Adenocarcinoma , I had Radical hysterectomy with ovaries kept in due to my age (40 at the time ) , after the surgery it was eventually decided by my oncologist no further treatment required ( my gynea consultant wanted me to have chemo / radio for belt and braces ) however the oncologist disagreed .  I was there fore on to 3 months follow ups and I had a good chance ( according to statistics !! ) that I would make a full recovery.  

Fast forward a year or so and at a routine follow up appointment my oncologist sent me for a routine CT scan as he advised getting to the one year mark is very important.  The results of the CT shown a cyst on my left ovary , however both the gynea oncology consultant and oncologist said this was just a cyst however it was quite large and would need to be removed , I then waited 3 months on a routine waiting list for the removal of the cyst .  They did also do a ca125 blood test which came back normal. 

July 2015 I had the cyst removed results came back recurrence cervical cancer to the ovary , the mass was also stuck to my iliac artery ,  I went through a mixture of emotions as they were sure this was " just a cyst" and i had been left 3 months on a routine waiting list for this to be taken out  , in the meantime it actually was cancer and this cancer was left to grow away inside me .  

I changed my oncologist and saw another one , he had the worst patient bed side mannner and people skills ever, he told me I needed the chemo and radiotherapy for a chance of cure however despite this he went on to say " if he were a betting man this cancer will be back"  he also went on again to add that " There is no point in scanning me ever again as another recurrence caught early is not proven to prolong life "  those words have traumatised me and every day I think of those words and every ache and pain I think is this the cancer back ?? Because in the words of my consultant if he were a betting a betting man it will be back.  

Afterwards I spoke with my McMillan nurse I asked her whats the point of me coming here for my appointment if the cancer is likely to return and early treatment won't prolong my life , why put  my self through internal examinations and the stress of appointments, we had a lengthy chat she spoke with the gynea oncologist , they sat me down and told me that actually there may be options if it does return depending on where it returns to ,  they gave me some hope.  

I now don't see the oncologist consultant and I see my gynea oncologist every 4 months now , he's told me if want to see him in between 4 months appointments he will even if it's just for reassurance he will , he has scanned me again twice , last MRI March this year.  All scans have reported no evidence of disease . 

I have just attended a follow up appointment and all is ok , so I hope I've not bored you all but I just wanted to share that I am now in remission after recurrent cervical cancer to the ovary for 2 years !! 

i would like to add that recurrence to the ovary is extremely rare apparently it only happens to 1% of people .  And although my oncology consultant said if he were a betting man it will be back .... it's not back yet mate !! He might be the expert but nobody knows what's going to happen and like my GP said to me if does come back it might not be for another 40 years .

take care everybody 


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Hi Greenie

So glad thats everything is good for u. I love to hear stories like this. Gives me hope. I worry all the time that my cc will come back. It is hard to move forward. I wish more people would post. Great news :-)

Thank you for sharing! That is brilliant! 2 years post a recurrence is great. I guess he's not a betting man after all!!! You keep defying his odds, and creating your own! Just what I wanted to hear today. Xx

Thanks for that post Greeni,thats really cheered me up. I have my check up tomorrow(1 year) and everything is niggling today. Congratulations to you x

Hi greeni

what a great post to share!!! I am more then positive this will help many ladies. 

Im smiling ear to ear!!!!!


Just the very best news Greeni. Hope you can derive some confidence in the results. So it's onward and upward x

Just what I needed to read. 


Thank you xx 

Dear greenie, I absolutely love your post! you have completely rubbished that oncologist. Great spirit! 


Greeni thank you for sharing your story. It is good for other people to read these positive stories.  I am 12 months on from my surgery this month and the worry still remains. I had a CT scan last week (my first since the op) and I am so worried of reoccurrence. I have all the niggles that weren't there before and my mind is running wild, I will be glad when this week is over assuming I get my results. I fear my end to 2017 will be a repeat of the traumatic end to 2016.

Sending you all the best wishes for a healthy, happy future