Polyp found on Cervix

I went for my first smear last night (I’m 25) and they found a large polyp on my cervix. I’ve also had mucousy discharge. The GP is sending me for an urgwnt referral to gynaecology.

I’m absolutely terrified and all I can think is that I have cancer. I’ve been crying all night and don’t want to do anything. I have a history of anxiety and all I can think is the worst.

Yesterday morning I was getting on with my mortgage application and now I’m worried that I’m going to die.


I really need some support and a hand hold.

There's nothing like the word urgent to send us into a flat spin, is there?

Think of a polyp as being like a skin tag. If you went to the docs with a skin tag they generally wouldn't do anything but if it was large or causing problems they would remove it. Your polyp is large and causing mucus. 

Another reason that your doctor wants you seen by a specialist is that this is your first screening so you don't have a history of normal smears. 

It is very rare for polyps to be cancer or even pre cancer.

Hi Shoangel,


I have just been diagnosed with having cancer (sarcoma) in a polyp ( the mass they took out of me was the size of a tennis ball) . All I can say is do everything the health professionals recommend. Last year i had a polyp partially removed. I keep thinking to myself if i had had the whole polup removed i wouldn't be in the postion I am now.

I am due a hysterectomy next month at the age of 30 follwed by radiotherapy. With no children i find this a devasting blow but I know it will save my life.

Just take things step by step. Remember if you are diagnosed with cancer, it should be contained in the polyp so the chances of it spreading are minimal.


Thanks for your reply. I’m sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with cancer but it’s good to hear that it hasn’t spread from the polyp and that your treatment should be successful.

Can I ask how your polyp was found and if you had any symptoms?

I hope that your hysterectomy and the rest of your treatment is successful.