Please tell me am I worrying over nothing?


Ive recently started experiencing bleeding after sex during the last two weeks. I’m really stressed about it and have been googling away which is just the worst thing to do I know! 

The first time this happened was a couple of days after my period ended so I put it down to that but the second time I was just passed mid cycle so don’t think it’s af. Also had bleeding and passed some small clots after a BM yesterday, sorry TMI! 

Since the second bout of bleeding I’ve also started to feel really bloated, full and lack of appetite. I seem to have watery discharge and feel quite aches in my pelvis and upper legs. I’m booked in to see my GP on Monday but I’m so anxious and making myself ill with all the worry.

Does anyone else have experience of similar symptoms? It’s the fact that it’s come on so suddenly and quickly has worried me. I’m not on any form of contraceptive and my husband has had a vasectomy so it can’t be pregnancy or contraceptive related. I also had a smear at the end of Sept which came back as no HPV. I’ve never missed a smear and never had any concerns with my results but I’m worrying now that something has been missed.

Please tell me am I worrying over nothing?


Hopefully it will be something innocent but only the GP can tell you that. None of us can tell you that you are worrying for nothing - you are obviously aware of the symptoms of cervical cancer. Anxiety does give us symptoms when we think about them.

You have done the right thing in booking an appointment with the GP and I hope things turn out fine for you.