Please help me make sense of my cervical screening results


I'm 28 years old and have just had the results back of my second cervical screening test. The first was when I turned 25 and the results came back normal. However the results for this test said the laboratory found some abnormal cells called high grade (severe) dyskaryosis and I have to go for a colposcopy on the 25th of July.

I an really freaking out for so many reasons. I understand that a lot of the time this does not mean cancer but I am terrified in case it is. Also, does this mean I have HPV even though it doesn't state this on the letter? I have been vaccinated against this around 9/10 years ago but this was during the initial trial of the vaccination so I'm not sure how effective it was. Also, I've been in a relationship with the same person for almost 10 years and had only ever slept with one other person before that so this has brought about so many questions as to whether my partner has been cheating on me etc as I have been entirely faithfull. I have read the virus can lay dormant for a number of years but I can't help think the worse.

This has been a stressful weekend so any advice or clarification anyone could offer me would be greatly appreciated.



Hi JC90 

im in a similar situation to you. I’m 26, I just had my colposcopy on Monday and have been really  anxious since the initial letter about the abnormal smear and having to be seen again And now waiting for biopsy results.I’m normally really chilled out and just blame everything on the coil (abnormal bleeding/discharge etc even though it’s been happening since before I had the coil in) but seeing the words “high grade abnormal cells” and “hospital” just freaked me out. I know it’s easier said than done but try and keep yourself busy til the appointment so it’s not constantly on your mind. Although it is perfectly normal to worry about these things, i keep telling myself this is to make sure you’re healthy and it’s to prevent you from possibly being unwell in the future And if anything serious did come up (which is a very small chance) then they’re very experienced and know how to deal with it quickly. 

i asked about hpv at my appointment as I hadnt been told I had it at any time and the colposcopist said I “probably” had it. i must’ve had a funny look on my face as she assured me, like you’ve said, it can lay dormant for many years so not to go mad at my partner, haha. I’ve also been with the same guy for years and had sti tests years ago due to some  problems I was having so knew I didnt have an sti  and have been faithful so that was a concern of mine also. 


When is your appointment? 

I had mine at the hospital this morning, my results came back as low grade dyskaryosis and tested positive for HPV. I’ve been with my partner for 7 years and this is my second smear, first one 3 years ago came back all ok so I was also freaking out and thinking has he cheated?! 

Ive been told though it can basically hide for a number of years. I got told if you don’t have HPV they won’t ask you to be checked but I’m guessing because youve came back as high grade they’ll want to check you even if you don’t have the infection. 

I got told this morning before the Nurse had a look at my cervix that my infection was severe how ever on the camera she noticed it’s actually a small amount and seems like my body has been fighting it and trying to get rid itself which is good news. She still took a tiny part of my cervix away though to send off to see what CIN it falls in if it’s CIN 1 or 2 they’ll leave and just keep eye on it if it’s CIN 3 I’ll need to go back and have the cells removed. 

Good luck babe x