Normal smears but last 6 months I've been bleeding after sex and now in between periods.

I went to see my gp 4 weeks ago now. I’ve been putting it off for months now, thinking the bleeding will stop and everything is ok. My gp did a swab and sent for bloods. A week later swabs and bloods are fine. So not concerned. My gp did say she’d order a scan. However a 6 week wait, which I’m still waiting for.
Anyway 2 weeks after visit to gps I find a letter on my doorstep. I read it and thought. OMG! ! What is this a colposcopy! ! . I’ve never heard of it. My mind went obviously into over drive. Got myself all worried., then I thought, I’ve never had a abnormal smear, ill be in and out so stopped panicking. My friend said be prepared ad she’d been through this herself. But I told her it will be fine nothing is wrong.
Yesterday I had my colposcopy. Still thinking everything is fine. But it wasn’t the doctor decided to do a biopsy, don’t really understand what went on from then. He said their are changes and would I come back for treatment. Now the wait for results. I have to say the only thing I keep on focusing on is this. I’m scared I’m confused. My last smear was only 18 months ago. Why have changes so quick. ?

Hey Cleaning247! 

Gosh I feel for you, its quite scary the first colposcopy and having to take in all this new information about changes and treatment etc. 

Ive had a good few coloposcopies over the years and my cells have went from stage 1, to stage 2, back down to stage 1... and now all the way up to stage 3. And like yourself, it wasnt that long ago that i had my last smear and colposcopy. Every body is different, and for some people its completely normal for their cervical cells to go through a period of change, (especially if you're 25 and under). The biopsy just allows for the tissue to be examined under the microscope to see the level of dysplasia that the cells have undergone. But obviously, sometime the doctors just like to nip it in the bud when it gets to a certain stage and if you're over a certain age.

Like yourself, I'll be needing treatment for my abnormal cells. It will most likely be LLETZ and I would say for yourself it will also be LLETZ unless your doctor specifies otherwise? Your treatment just really depends on the size of the area that have abnormal cells, so some people need different treatments if it turns out the cells are a bitter thicker than first thought.

I too have other symptoms which have caused me to panic in the past, like yourself I have had bleeding inbetween periods for a while now, as well as pain and a lot of lower back pain. But I know these can be down to looads of other things. I know it can be really easy to get paniced and scared and think the worst. I catch myself doing it a lot too!

But for now just try to distract yourself as best you can until your appointment comes out for your treatment :) I know thats easier said than done but theres really nothing you can do until theyve treated it. If you're still feeling really scared though or youre confused about your treatment, try giving the department for colposcopy a ring and see if they can give you more details? I find when I know aaall the information then I feel a lot more at ease!

Take care and keep us updated x


    It is hard. It's 4.30am and awake stressing. 

      I'm 42 and have 5 children the eldest 26 and youngest 14. Never had any problems before. All of this is so unreal I'm glad I have work to escape.  

   Hope all goes well for you. X 

Did you have any cervical erosion that he picked up on? I did and that was the reason for me bleeding after sex and between periods. They cauterised it and I've been fine since X

The doctor didn't really say much. He said their were changes. 

   What I didn't understand, he said would you be willing to come back for treatment. But if everything is ok do you still want treatment. Surely if nothing is wrong I wouldn't need treatment. I phoned our colposcopy department on Thursday. Unfortunately they only open 2 days a week so can't speak to a nurse till Tuesday. Dosnt help when your brain is going into overdrive.

Hope all goes well for you. X 


Had my scans today and nothing untoward found. So I'm hoping when biopsy results come back they should be ok too. Fingers crossed and that it's only something minor.