Newbie - questions about recovery after lletz (bleeding, stinging pain)

Hi all :) I'm 25 and new here, decided to register after I had lletz treatment last week, following abnormal smear results, and a colposcopy and biopsy which confirmed CIN2. I've been browsing around for a few days on this forum and have to say it's helped a lot with some of the questions and worries I've had, but I'm worrying myself with how my body's reacting since the treatment.

I had pretty bad cramps the first couple of days following lletz and have been wearing pads every day with some pale discharge and now a week later am starting to get brown gritty bits. I have noticed blood on the tissue every time I go to the toilet and also a sharp stinging tinge. Has anyone else experienced this stinging and constant blood on the tissue? Also I know healing can take 4-6 weeks but this blood I find on the tissue looks more like it is from a fresh cut as is bright red and I can feel where it is coming from it feels like a tear at the opening of the cervix, and this blood is there all day every day when I check. Just wondered if anyone has had this bright red blood and stinging if there is anything I can do? Sorry to be graphic but had to post to stop me from driving myself crazy worrying myself silly and also just to see if anyone has experienced something similar?



Hi Lauren, I had lletz a week ago for cin3, Im still getting period pain type cramps and the lovely discharge. Ive noticed some brown bits but havnt had any bleeding. Ive read on here that some women do bleed and others dont. Can you give the clinic/doctor a ring who did your treatment or your GP and tell them? Might put your mind at rest

Take care

Louise xxx

Hi Lauren,

I had my LLETZ back in September (seems so long ago now!) I had no bleeding for about a week, then I had (TMI warning) a disgusting scabby thing and from then on for about 4 weeks until my period (I'm on the pill and was advised to run to packs together so I could distinguish LLETZ healing from period bleeding, although I've found most ladies get told to carry on as normal) I had bright red blood all through the day almost every day. It wasn't enough to be worried about (the advice leaflet I had said if you weren't filling a pad every two hours not to worry), although I did have to wear pads for the entire time as it was too much for a liner. At one point during the 4 weeks the bleeding was starting to trail off to a pinkish discharge, but then I decided to trot up the stairs at work and almost directly after I felt very...wet...dwon there and went to the loo and the blood was back with avengance. I had a little cry thinking I would never be normal again and didnt trot anywhere until it'd stopped completely lol. 

Definitely if you're worried call the colposcopy clinic and take their advice - they're used to all calls and worries big or small and wont think you're daft :) 

I'm not really sure about the stinging sensation - it may just be your body healing - for a few weeks after my LLETZ I'd occasionally get a really weird sharp pain right in my cervix (honestly, before all this I didnt EVER consider my cervix at all, now I know it better than my nose!) but after my first post-LLETZ period this stopped and hasnt returned so I figured it was probably just healing... again if you're worried call the colposcopy people :)

You're not crazy at all, it's normal to worry and get worked up (I had MANY sleepless nights (and then weird colposcopy dreams) and panic attacks at phone calls/my post box) rant and worry as much as you like on Jo's - it's a brilliant support network :) x x x 

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Thanks for your responses and advice guys. Body's reactions are changing every day but I've had to wear pads every day so far too. I'll give the clinic a call, the girls who did my treatment were lovely and accommodating they definitely helped calm me down in what was a very uncomfortable and scary situation. It's going to be a long 6 weeks and waiting for the letter is probably the worst bit..who knows where my journey will take me but grateful for these forums they are a great comfort.

I live in Wales so started having smears when I was 20, and was 24 when I got my first abnormal results and a couple of my friends have had them too before 25 so it's scary that in England they don't start until 25...

Thanks again

Lauren xx

Hi Lauren,

I hope you're getting on ok. I know it's hard to imagine right now (see my previous post about having a little cry - when I say litte, it was actually quite big!) but it will get better - the healing will eventually be done and although it doesn't feel like it right now one day there will be weeks that pass when you don't think about your cervix :)

waiting for the results is the WORST thing, I felt sick everytime I checked the post box and I still get nervous whenever a number I don't know calls me, but try and stay positive :) xx x 

Hi Lauren,

This is a great site! I know exactly where you're coming from lovely, and sorry to hear you're going through an uncomfortable patch. I went for my colonoscopy and LLETZ on the 7th of this month, everything was hunky dory ish, I had a watery, slightly pink discharge but that was mainly when I went for a wee, until Sunday when I started to bleed bright red blood, specifically when I went for a wee, then just in general (not soaking a pad, almost like a period) and I am also getting those annoying stinging pains you mentioned!  annoying more than anything else Yell 


Anyway, thought I'd ring my doctor and he told me that bright red blood after a week and a bit since my LLETZ was not good, bright red means not healing and a slight onset infection, if you're cramping too thats a sign (or if you have the sensation of feeling a tear...I too feel your pain!) he also said that if left it could go on for much longer before you heal so I got perscribed some antibiotics to help my cramps/stabby pain and the bright red bleeding. I'll let you know how I get on, but if you're also getting hot flushes its a sure fire sign you're not healing as you should, my advice is firstly staaayyyy positive and secondly, go to your docs. 

we'll all get there, and sorry for the TMI but heck I miss the monkey business with my partner!!!!! hehe 

Take care, and get well soon xx


Hi both

Thanks for your posts, strangely enough I'm on antibiotics for something else and the stinging and bleeding has stopped so if that's cleared it up that's a bit of luck! :)

Waiting for results is definitely the worst bit about all of this, every time I get home from work and look through the mail my stomach turns. It's 2 weeks today since the procedure and some days blood is really light sometime a little heavier but I'm just grateful for no more stinging! Know exactly what you mean about monkey business haha hoping to book a nice holiday away at the end of all this..!

Thanks both for sharing your stories, it's great that this is such an active community. Take care! xx

Im 38 & had Lletz last Wednesday for CIN1 & 2. Havent had any pain(yet) but am starting to feel stinging down there now! Have been to doctor and they took a swab but they did say it doesnt look infected at all which is good. I started bleeding yesturday,like a light period and still am now, I know all this lovelyness is to be expected! but my questions would be, how do i tell if im bleeding due to healing or a period???? and also im feeling extremely anxious, is this due to the lletz being done? can it effect your hormones? and will my first period be when expected or could it be early or lat even? hate all this not knowing!

Hi all am experiencing the same am 10 days post lletz and wondered if anyone could tell me if they did have an infection or if this is just part of the healing? X

Hi all

Had my LLETZ 10 days ago and just wondering what the healing process is, I know its different for everyone, I havnt had any bleeding yet but i am on Cerazette (a contraceptive pill that should stop periods) I am just in the vile "coal" stage where discharge is somewhat black and bitty (sorry to be vile) it has been like this for nearly a week. Although I havnt had any bleeding i have been extremely emotional and just feel horrible. Is anyone else finding they just want to cry every day?!!


Hi Sophie,

I just had my 2nd lletz surgery for cin3 yesterday. Im feeling shockibg burning sensation. My bleeding stopped 7hrs after surgery but i do have some slight discharge. I also had the mirena removed. Im not experiencing cramps. 

Hi all

i had my Lletz on 20/4 for CGIN high grade. last Tuesday I was still in pain inside so went to the doctors and was prescribed penacilin and antibiotic. I finished those saturday, but I'm in even more pain now. Can't sit comfortably, not sleeping and getting hot flushes. I just feel so emotional and angry that I should be feeling better now  But yet I'm still in so much pain. Am going back to the doctors tomorrow but I just feel that I'm getting on my husbands nerves (he's obivously been very supportive) and I want to burst into tears all the time. 



11 April - results in from smear showing CGIN High Grade

20 April - LLETZ treatment 

25 April - prescribed medication 


Hi Everyone,

I am 31, and a few months back after a few problems down there I got told I had CIN 1. And I've just had my Lletz. 

So, back track abit, I went to the drs, told them my problems and they told me I needed swabs, and a ultrasound scan and in the meantime they will refer me to gynae. Well the GP didnt refer me until the swabs & ultrasound scan came back normal. 

So, I was finally referred to Gynae. I had my initial consult and within a week I was asked to go back for a Colposcopy. That showed some abnormal changes so they took 3 punch biopsies. I was told it will take up to 5 weeks for the results to come back. 

I recieved the letter stating I had CIN1 and I was booked in for a hysteroscopy and cyro therapy.  

Unfortunately the date came and my period was so so heavy they changed my appointment. 

My original consultant was leaving to emigrate, so I was put under someone else. Which is good because I have ended up with the lead consultant. 

So the day came that I was to have the cyro therapy and hysteroscopy, BUT after looking at my results he said I had CIN1 & CIN2 so cyro therapy was not the best treatment a Lletz was. He also didn't want to put me through the discomfort of a hysteroscopy as my ultrasound came back clear in Feb, so he decided to recheck with an ultrasound scan and if any changes were noted then he would do the hysteroscopy. The same time as the Lletz.  I had my ultrasound then 4 days ago i had the Lletz my ultrasound came back clear so know need for the hysteroscopy. 

So I'm on day 5, everytime I stand or move around for a period of time I feel a gush of liquid. It's very watery yellowish discharge. I have searched the internet and I've found about watery discharge but nothing about it being Yellow, have any of you had this. I'm still getting like onset labour pains tightening in my back and tummy. Still feel very weak, and trying to take it easy but with 4 children and the six weeks holiday thats abit hard. 

I am very scared after reading numerous of posts on here that the sample come back as CC. 

My husband and numerous of other people are supportive but I know that they don't fully understand. I suffer with depression and anxiety as it is with out this on top. I'm trying to stay positive but knowing you've got/Had precancerous cells it makes you scared and nervous. Or is that just me? 

I have loved reading your posts and I've learnt alot of key facts that i need to be aware of. So thankyou. And thanks for taking tome to read my post. 

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Hi Everyone,

I am 31, and a few months back after a few problems down there I got told I had CIN 1. And I've just had my Lletz. 

So, back track abit, I went to the drs, told them my problems and they told me I needed swabs, and a ultrasound scan and in the meantime they will refer me to gynae. Well the GP didnt refer me until the swabs & ultrasound scan came back normal. 

So, I was finally referred to Gynae. I had my initial consult and within a week I was asked to go back for a Colposcopy. That showed some abnormal changes so they took 3 punch biopsies. I was told it will take up to 5 weeks for the results to come back. 

I recieved the letter stating I had CIN1 and I was booked in for a hysteroscopy and cyro therapy.  

Unfortunately the date came and my period was so so heavy they changed my appointment. 

My original consultant was leaving to emigrate, so I was put under someone else. Which is good because I have ended up with the lead consultant. 

So the day came that I was to have the cyro therapy and hysteroscopy, BUT after looking at my results he said I had CIN1 & CIN2 so cyro therapy was not the best treatment a Lletz was. He also didn't want to put me through the discomfort of a hysteroscopy as my ultrasound came back clear in Feb, so he decided to recheck with an ultrasound scan and if any changes were noted then he would do the hysteroscopy. The same time as the Lletz.  I had my ultrasound then 4 days ago i had the Lletz my ultrasound came back clear so know need for the hysteroscopy. 

So I'm on day 5, everytime I stand or move around for a period of time I feel a gush of liquid. It's very watery yellowish discharge. I have searched the internet and I've found about watery discharge but nothing about it being Yellow, have any of you had this. I'm still getting like onset labour pains tightening in my back and tummy. Still feel very weak, and trying to take it easy but with 4 children and the six weeks holiday thats abit hard. 

I am very scared after reading numerous of posts on here that the sample come back as CC. 

My husband and numerous of other people are supportive but I know that they don't fully understand. I suffer with depression and anxiety as it is with out this on top. I'm trying to stay positive but knowing you've got/Had precancerous cells it makes you scared and nervous. Or is that just me? 

I have loved reading your posts and I've learnt alot of key facts that i need to be aware of. So thankyou. And thanks for taking tome to read my post. 

Hi everybody! 

So I had my lletz procedure just over a week ago now and all seemed well. Wasn't bleeding and have just been having the light brown discharge stuff. But yesterday I started feeling extremely emotional, I was feeling angry and irritable and like I just wanted to cry for no reason. Shortly after that I was getting minor period pain type cramps and I had the light pink blood which has now stopped. But to be honest, im finding the entire thing really overwhelming especially a year into a lockdown when I barely see my friends or family as it is. I think I can handle all the discharge and blood etc but I find it really hard to deal with the intense emotions. Also I think I have health anxiety at the best of times so this whole thing has really shook me and I am really trying to stay cool but I am so so worried about getting the results. 

Is anyone else finding this difficult? 


Hi everybody! 

I'm 26 and went for my first smear this year and was diagnosed with CIN2. I had my lletz procedure just over a week ago now and all seemed well. Wasn't bleeding and have just been having the light brown discharge stuff. But yesterday I started feeling extremely emotional, I was feeling angry and irritable and like I just wanted to cry for no reason. Shortly after that I was getting minor period pain type cramps and I had the light pink blood which has now stopped. But to be honest, im finding the entire thing really overwhelming especially a year into a lockdown when I barely see my friends or family as it is. I think I can handle all the discharge and blood etc but I find it really hard to deal with the intense emotions. Also I think I have health anxiety at the best of times so this whole thing has really shook me and I am really trying to stay cool but I am so so worried about getting the results. Luckily I have my partner with me at home but lockdown has hit us hard anyway and it just feels like an extra stress on top of a very stressful year. 

Is anyone else finding this difficult? 



Yes, I’ve been having similar feelings myself.

After my first colposcopy I had a biopsy taken which confirmed CIN2. I had my second colposcopy about 2 months after with a lletz procedure 11 days ago and today I’m just crying for what seems like no reason at all.

I started bleeding on day 7 after the procedure which in itself is unusual for me because I have the Mirena coil, so I don’t often bleed much anyway. Its making me so anxious and also confused as I’m not sure what colour tone of blood I should be worrying about? I thought bright red was okay but a comment on this post says not so I’m confused.

On top of that, waiting for the results is never off of my mind.

I know healing may still take some time, but the emotional side of it all is just as hard to deal with.