No bleeding after Lletz, one week after treatment - is this normal?

Hi all,

So I had lletz treatment this day week ago and since I have experienced a very pale brown discharge the first couple of days and cramps (mine went high up into my stomach as though I had done 100 sit ups?!) then slight lower back ache and the watery discharge since.

I know this might sound odd, because I should probably be glad it isn’t the case, but I haven’t really bled and just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this? Also should say that my consultant advised me to carry on my pill as my period would have been due today/tomorrow

Also, I have read about the dreaded day 10 post-Lletz where people seem to feel the worst and bleed, not sure if this is a part of the healing process but I haven’t really bled so don’t know what to expect.

On a side note, is anyone else just feeling like they are facing the unknown in this journey? My consultant doesn’t really give much away, I didn’t even know what treatment I was getting aside from hearing the nurse ask him “are you doing lletz?” When I was already gowned up and my bits were on show! Plus I could then smell the burning that people on here talked about so I knew after that. This forum is a god send for information but some people seem to get told a lot whereas I’m not really being told much at all. My results from smear were CIN1 and when i had biopsy done the Consultant said there didn’t appear to be too much to be concerned about then the biopsy came back CIN 2-3 plus he told me 2-3 weeks for results and it ended up being 2 months! Does anyone know if Lletz results come back any quicker?

Nothing prepared me for this and I was already emotionally and mentally exhausted.

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Hey, im sorry to hear that your going through this also, i had lletz 3 weeks ago it took nearly 3 months for my biopsy results from colposcopy and then was in for Lletz week later. The letter just gave me an appointment i only found out it was for treatment because i called them. smear showed moderate suspected cin 2 and results came back cin 1,2 and 3. I haven’t had any bleeding either i just had very light pink for few days after but nothing since just that dreaded watery discharge, i had my period on predicted day and only lasted 2 days. I heard about the dreaded bleeding on day 10 but i didn’t have it either.

I’m still waiting for results too i just hope it doesn’t take months

I would try distract yourself with something whilst waiting for results, and think we may be lucky that we haven’t had the bleeding part , i hope all the best for you

No bleeding is completely normal. It’s a burn so usually just exudate (watery discharge) is present. Maybe a slightly pinkish tinge sometimes and the soft scab may come away in visible parts. 2 to 3 weeks for results is pretty quick but the wait can feel like an age. Xx

I’m relieved to hear someone else is having a similar experience (as horrible as this is). I’m not going to get my hopes up regarding the results. I think it will likely be another couple of months to wait, same as waiting for the biopsy.

I find it so odd that they don’t tend to tell you much considering it’s your body and your results. I have such little info to go on and my consultant said not to google everything but I kind of don’t have any other choice!

I really hope your results come back soon too and hopefully we both will have positive outcomes🤞

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Thank you for replying, I was genuinely concerned that no bleeding was a bad thing…this whole experience is just so new to me and scary. I have had a pale brown/pink type discharge and i’ve gotten a little crampy again coming up to day 10 post treatment. I think the consultant was being very optimistic in saying 2-3 weeks for results, he should know i’m going to be ringing his secretary from 3 weeks onwards if I haven’t heard anything as i get such bad anxiety and after thinking CIN 1 and now knowing it’s CIN 2/3 i’m even more concerned. Women really don’t have an easy time of it!

I know what you mean and same i feel like it will be few months for results too, the waiting i feel is the worst part. And i too end up googling everything its like you don’t want to but end up reading all kind of things.

What do they expect us to do when we are waiting months not knowing the outcome its all been long winded.

And thank you i really hope so too :slight_smile:

Hi Emjmm89, I had LLETZ in late August and had virtually no bleeding during the four weeks afterwards. I had some faint watery slightly pink tinged discharge a few days after, then some very light brown around the 2-3 week mark. Then nothing. After 4 weeks I decided to try to be normal and went back to my usual sex life. It was a bit tender at first, I think mostly due to lack of use(!!) but we got through it!

I actually had some brown discharge almost like the end of a period for about a week at 6-7 weeks but I’m not sure if that might be related to the pill I’m taking. I was actually late taking it (mini pill) once about two weeks into my LLETZ healing period. I’ve had no periods since I started this pill but of all the times to miss a dose, I did it when I couldn’t have sex with my husband anyway! However, I think it definitely affected my hormone levels. But I did consider that it also might have been my LLETZ scab took a bit longer to fall away.

I had CIN3 but was told it was a very small area in the grand scheme of things. My LLETZ results confirming this took just over 5 weeks but that was because the consultant went on holiday!

I feel you on the mentally and emotionally exhausted but that’s what this forum is for. We’re here for you, because we’ve lived it too. Hope you’re doing ok x

Hello warriors,

I’m sorry for what they went through or are going through, I’m also in the same situation and it’s not easy! I had the cervical exam in May and I got the result in July in the middle of a fertility treatment with HPV and abnormal cells were found… it was brutal despair, a nurse called me after receiving the letter to explain everything to me. and saying that I was going to be referred for a colposcopy with biopsy, at the end of August I had a colposcopy (I was treated well… but the nurse’s explanation was a little cold) and when I asked if everything was ok, I said yes (and no , I could have prepared myself) at the end of September I received the letter with the result of the CIN2 biopsy, when I received the letter I felt relief (I hadn’t slept since July of fear and anxiety, wondering if I had cancer and what a mother would be like). on the 8th of november I did my Cold Coagulation Treatment with the two most kind people in the world, they explained everything, they breathed with me so as not to feel the sting of the anesthesia. In the letter I received I explained everything about treatment, recovery and if something is not normal (but they explained everything to me again and if I had any questions, I would clarify).
My 1 week of recovery left a lot of egg white secretion (fertile week too) and the water (a lot) that I have so far, two days ago it started to come out very light pink blood, very watery, but today it started to come out with greater abundance ( more than one period cannot happen or smell). Keep your immunity high, eat well, don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol, don’t get stressed, that’s what I was told. Recovery in 6 weeks, no sex, no tampon and no pool.

For me the waiting time was the most difficult, it is inhumane.

We are women and we manage to have strength where we least imagine.
A strong hug of comfort.

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