healing after lletz

Hi all, just looking for a bit of reassurance or others experiences of healing after lletz.

I had lletz on 17/08. It was quite traumatic really as I’m sure I wasn’t anaesthetised fully down there as I felt A LOT! Afterwards I felt crampy and tender. After a week I had light spotting, mainly light brown in colour nothing concerning. I had my period on time 27/08 - a little heavier than normal and lasted until yesterday. Now I have no spotting, bleeding, discharge anything.

Just want to know really if anyone else has had lletz and not appeared to of had any bleeding afterwards? Should I still expect to have some bleeding soon? I know they say it takes 4-6 weeks to heal and once the bleeding eases and stops that’s a gauge of it being healed but at the moment I don’t seem to have anything to go by. I’m a bit confused by it all.

Any help is much appreciated, thank you!


I've had similar experience with LLETZ. It was very uncomfortable and painful. I've been told to bring a pad as some bleeding might be expected. I was expecting fair amount but had very little discharge. I do not know if this matters but I've got Mirena coil and my periods stopped some time ago. I think everyone is different and as longest you haven't got any signs of infection, I wouldn't worry too much. 

I will be 4 weeks post lletz on Wednesday and still no sign of any bleeding or discharge. I should get my results *hopefully* this coming week too. 

Ive noticed today Im quite crampy - like how I feel just before Im due on. I'm having a pretty heavy time at work at the moment so I'm hoping I've not done myself any damage.

Hope you're okay after your treatment kazpie87 I found lots of rest the first few days helped and a hot water bottle