Need advice

Hi ladies :slight_smile:
This is a bit off the subject…but when I got diagnosed my friend also got diagnosed with ovarian cancer, we ended up being at the same hospital having hysterectomies at the same time!! But she then went on to have chemo over 6 months so lost her hair and has been feeling pretty down since!!:frowning: anyway she has been told about look good feel good at our local hospital, so she really wanted to do it but wanted me to go as support and also as I’ve been through her journey as well!! So this was booked a few months back as long waiting List, but the date is only a couple of weeks away now and I really really don’t want to go but don’t want to let her down either :(((!!
I feel like I’m a fraud going in with hair and my last treatment was over a year ago so I’m feeling ok in myself!! I feel embarrassed to walk in when other woman would love to do the workshop to help them with how they are feeling with hair loss and general rubbish feeling you feel when going through treatment!! The lady who runs the course said I’m just as entitled as the other ladies as I’ve had cancer just like them…but it’s not that I just feel another lady that has lost her hair and eye lashes would benefit so much more than me :(( I’ve tried to say to say to my friend about it but she just says I had a hard time too!! Sorry for such a rambling message just looking for some sort of advice on what to do or say!!
Much love to you all xxx

I can definitely see both sides of the coin! Is there a way you can go as a support and be with her but not participate or receive the free gifts? That way someone could have your spot and you can still be there?

Hi Halfpint. I'm at a bit of a loss here. Obviously your friend needs you but part of me thinks she may be holding you back as you don't need to revisit or identify as a cancer patient anymore. I think couching it in terms of thinking about another woman who needs it more than you is your escape clause. When I did it we were all in the process of going bald or totally bald. With your head of hair you will stand out. Jayne 

Hi! I was invited to go to this at my cancer centre. Yes , I did ferl at first abit akward, but I had needn't be. I wasn't made to feel different. How ever yhe lady who was doing it was like a pit bull chewing a wasp. We all got the giggles. Lol X go and enjoy. X 

Hi :)

thanks for the advice and thoughts..I ended up going along tonight to the group..was a little embarrassing when we first walked in and the lady thought I was just dropping my friend off and not part of the group!! 

But can homestly say it was a lovely evening, fun and nice to meet other woman And chat with them, one of the ladies did say it was so nice to see how well I looked over a year out of treatment and gave them alll hope they would be the same , which was such a lovely thing to say!! 

the ladies all looked really glam after and such a fab thing for them to be able to do!! 

Jayne i do feel like my friend is trying to keep me in the cancer frame of mind...we are very differnet I like to look ahead and dont want to contiually talk about cancer, but she's struggling and is still very down, so it's quite difficult!!  

anyway any other ladies thinking of doing it I would say if you do do it straight after treatment as its a little pick me up you would benefit from ;) Nikki x