Nebothian vs Adenoma malignum


I am new to this forum. I am 40 yrs of age.  I have had worsening symptoms for over a year. The pre menstrual bloat doesn't go away anymore. I used to have pre menstrual spotting, now it is extreme discomfort (radiating up to right ribs). Using bowels and voiding urine has become difficult and positional. 

During the past year I was diagnosed with a connective tissue disorder (Ehlers danlos syndrome) which can a myriad of problems . I have found this diagnosis has caused doctors to dismiss me as a chronic person.

I have gone from working as an RN and running marathons, and parenting my children (3,13), in 2016 to being bed ridden with pain and fatigue, and needing assistance to care for my family. 


Gynaecological issues have been dismissed but worsening. I have been bleeding for weeks, before that I had large amount of occasional clear fluid discharge (that I initially thought was urine).


I had an ultrasound months ago that the doctor told me was clear, only when I asked for a copy of results did I see that nabothian cysts were seen. 


I am finally seeing a gynae tomorrow. I'm scared they will dismiss me and send me away like every doctor I have met lately. 


When I arrive at appointments I am so fatigued and in pain that I am not able to articulate so well. My 70 yr old mother has become my carer. She is coming with me. 


I have been reading here. I don't know if I'm asking a question or just wanting a connection .


I'm scared and tired. 

I can't give advice or answer any questions but just wanted to send you a virtual hug. Hope your appointment goes well 

How did your appointment go xx just wanted to check in with you I also have suspected nabothian cysts just had colposcopy and biopsy the other day and am awaiting results had a high grade result on my smear but hopefully just need treatment and that will be it hope your ok sending hugs xx

Thinking of you.  How are you getting on?


Thank you for your replies. 

I was completely dismissed by the doctor. In spite of bleeding more often than not, the doctor told me that nabothian cysts are less significant than a pimple and that I have no issue. 


I'm not sure what I'll do next. I'm tired of consulting dismissive doctors, I am just seeking to manage pain as best I can at the moment.