Nearly 3 weeks after lletz and still bleeding?

Hi ladies, I had lletz treatment on 15th Feb and honestly wasn’t given much information on what to expect after so was hoping someone could help. About 5-6 days after the treatment I started getting really watery discharge where every time I stood up it felt like I was weeing. After about 10 days I started bleeding, about as heavy as a period. I know it’s definitely not a period as I’m currently breastfeeding my daughter of 15 weeks and when I breastfed my son I didn’t have a period until I stopped at 10 months. I’m still bleeding now at 18 days and the blood is very red and fresh. I just wanted to know if this is normal and part of the healing or should I call my colposcopy clinic. Any information would be helpful thank you xx


I had the exact same watery discharge, then I bled like a period the second week for about 2 weeks, then it stopped

It should stop soon, if not get checked out x

 almost a month post lletz and still bleeding! It tailed off for a couple of days to a watery brown discharge and now back to bleeding again. i went to see my consultant as they thought I might need some more silver nitrate but when I got there they looked and the lletz site is healing nicely but still bleeding from further up the neck of my womb. I'm on antibiotics now as might not be healing because of infectioN. so fed up now!
