Lletz under GA

Just returned home from my GA for LLetz! What can I say......sooo much better than LA! The whole experience under LA left me an emotional mess, whereas GA was wonderful and I know nothing of what happened or who was even there :-) Thank you soo much to the post'ers who recommended I ring to change to GA! Now the dreaded wait for results! In general how long have your results taken to come back??

Glad it went well! I had Lletz under GA too, and it was so much better than I thought it would be. I had mine done two weeks ago today and got my results yesterday, even though they told me it would be up to 6 weeks. Fingers crossed yours arrive soon. x

Hi Sarah, I had lletz treatment on Monday just gone under GA, now like you am waiting for results...surely if something was wrong they would contact us earlier that's what I keep telling myself!

Hi Sarah

Glad it all went OK :-) When I left the hospital they told me it'd be 4 weeks before I got results through, and it was pretty much exactly that. It seems to be the standard length of time to wait!