Lletz - Good Experiences?

Hey everyone! I’m having lletz the week after next for cin 1/2 and I’m really nervous and dreading it. I’ve read lots of horrible after effects and was really hoping some people might have some positive stories to share where they’ve potentially felt fine after the treatment?
I’ve got lots of work trips internationally over the next couple of months so I’m really apprehensive about feeling very I’ll after it :frowning:
Hope to hear your experiences xxx emma

Hi Emma
I had lletz a couple of months ago they surprised me with it I just had it there and then at the colposcopy kind of glad as I didn’t have time to stress about it. From my experience I felt no pain (the injection to numb hurt a tiny bit) it was more uncomfortable than anything. I felt little to no pain afterwards which I was very surprised about. On the day and a few days after I felt very tired and weak but soon perked up, I bled for around four weeks I think, it’s like a watery bleed. I’m having a second lletz at the end of this month so I might change my mind about my positivity then haha. Good luck with everything x

Hi :slight_smile: and thanks so much for replying to me! Sounds like a positive start at least. What is the reason for them giving you a second round? Hope you’re ok! Xx

Hi Emma you’re welcome I think a lot of the lletz discussion on here are mostly bad as its mainly people wanting advice where as the normal nothing much happening don’t really write about it. Mines a long story :see_no_evil::rofl: I’ll try to be brief.

Background info My mum passed away from ovarian cancer within 6 months of it being discovered and my grandma (mums side) had endometrial cancer

July/June 2022 smear hpv 16 positive glandular neoplasia endocervical type
Colposcopy nothing seen endometrial womb punch biopsy done which came back normal discharged back to three year smear

June 2023 received a phone call dr from previous colposcopy was under an incident investigation I shouldn’t have been discharged back to three year smears, lletz should have been done, dr hadn’t followed government guidelines. Glandular cells are inside the cervix not the usual outside ones so harder to diagnose/find where they’ve come from.

Went in for another colposcopy had lletz and another smear done

I had a meeting to discuss my results i was told they didn’t find anything and I now only had high risk hpv, so I’d likely fought it off. I explained at this meeting I’d been having different types of back and hip pain (dull aches most of the time, then sharp pulling pains and also actual hip joint pain which feels like my leg has dislocated) my dr was going to refer me for an ultrasound but a very annoying nurse who had already interrupted our conversation before intervened and said I should go back to my gp and they shouldn’t over treat so the dr changed his mind and agreed with her. Left agreeing to smears at 6,18,36 months post lletzs.

I then found a letter to my gp from the hospital dr about our discussion. In the letter he got the year date of my original glandular smear wrong putting 2021 instead of 2022, he also said I had hpv changes on my lletz biopsy and my smear confirmed glandular abnormality. So I went to my gp they’ve sorted me an ultrasound for the 22nd sept and they told me to complain to pals (hospital complaints dept) to try and figure out if I have cell change or not as his letter was careless and completely contradicted what he’d told me.

Since complaining the dr rang me apologising for the confusing info he asked if I’d finished my family (I have) and offered another lletz to make sure?! So I agreed just for piece of mind so that’s booked in on the 30th sept. I’m not really sure if there’s a reason why he suggested it I was just wanting clarification on my results lol I have looked into research of cgin and it suggests deeper lletz especially if family is complete so guessing he just doing it so it’s a bigger chunk to make sure who knows.

So that’s where I am now haha I’m not too worried more interested in what my ultrasound will say as I have no idea if it’s related or actual hip joint bone problems I’m only 35 so will see. Xxx

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