LLETZ - do you feel the local anaesthetic?

I had my smear back in April, which came back HPV + and borderline changes.

I went for a colposcopy, with biopsy, at the start of September, where they find CIN2.

I am booked in for LLETZ in a weeks time and having a full on meltdown!! I am absolutely terrified of needles and just can’t get passed the idea of a LA.

When I had the biopsy I literally didn’t feel a thing! I’m just looking for reassurance that the LA is similar to a biopsy and in my case, won’t feel anything.

Hi, I have had 2 lletz over the last 13 years and never felt a thing when they injected the anaesthetic either time. The whole experience just gave me a dull like period pain you should be fine x

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Hi. Had lletz treatment last tuesday 10th october for CIN2. I as so worried my anxiety was off the scale. I had local which was ok. You feel it for bit was wasn’t anywhere near as bad as i thought.
My partner was with me the whole time and held my hand through it all. Was all done in 5-10 min and i was on my way home. Eat something before as i felt a bit light headed as sat up to fast and felt a bit light headed but hadnt eaten. I have had no bleeding just some cramps the first couple of days. Defently go for local as so much quicker and someone can be with you.

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Thank you for your replies.
I’ve had very little information from the hospital… I had a phone call to say book in for treatment but nothing has been discussed with me.
All I know is a letter has been written with more information :roll_eyes: but they have recommended LLETZ. I can have someone in the waiting room but not in with me when I have treatment. To be honest, I think it would probably make me worse!
I’ve been doing lots of research and as I’m only 32, never smoked, not had children but want them in the future, I’m not sure why a conservative approach hasn’t been chosen, particularly as 50% of cases naturally regress.
I think the lack of information and communication is just adding to my anxiety.

Everyone is diffrent and feels diffrent things at my coloscopy they told me it was just like a pinch but it felt more than that but i coped with it . I was highly anxious for mt leetz procedure to start with
you wont feel nothing of the procedure but i did feel the injection it was an intense pain for me but didnt last the thing that got to me more was the uncontrollable shaking from the injection they told me this was normal but my anxious state didnt help .She did say i was very sensitive inside like i said everyone is different and you may not feel what i did good luck with it x

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I had my LLETZ just over two weeks ago and I went on my own, probably because I’ve been going pretty much every year after my abnormal smears for the last 8 years lol

I was scared to think of the injection in the cervix and I did feel some stinging and then my legs began shaking but this is the adrenaline from the LA and is normal.
Just don’t sit up too quickly afterwards because you feel dizzy and strange.

Wishing you the best x


They allowed your partner to be with you?

Ive got to go tomorrow, not sure whats going to happen. But i had a lletz last april under GA

thanks for listening