Terrified of Lletz

Hi! I have my Lletz booked for 12th July due to severe dyskaryosis caused by HPV.
I struggle with health anxiety, which means I’m terrified of illness and all medical procedures.
I’ve read that they give an injection in the cervix for local anaesthetic during Lletz, and that some people experience racing heartbeat during the treatment (from adrenaline in the injection??). This makes me really scared and I’m not sure I can do this.
I’ve also read that maybe I could request general anaesthesia but that also makes me super anxious as I’ve had that before and felt awful when I came to.
I mentioned my anxiety to the colposcopy nurse but she kind of downplayed it and said the Lletz won’t be too different from the colposcopy. The colposcopy wasn’t too bad, I was okay with it.

Any support or advise would be much appreciated! Thank you.

Hi Jasmin
So sorry you are going through this, I had my LLETZ wens 21st June and it was a complete surprise that I needed it (I was told a year ago at my colposcopy/biopsy of womb that it was normal and to return in 3 years as normal recall only to be called this year and told the dr was being investigated and should have taken a biopsy of cervix) so maybe for the better that I didn’t know.

I completely understand your fear of this, it is the unknown and it’s natural to feel that way, don’t beat yourself up for feeling this way. I can honestly say in my experience I was expecting it to hurt a lot more than it did! I was very surprised, the injection hurt abit only like a scratch and that was it. The biopsy I had in my womb hurt a lot more during and after but even that wasn’t that bad from my experience, obviously everyones experience is different so some may feel more pain. It does feel funny having your heart race but it soon calms down and isn’t uncontrollable just slightly. It’s very similar to the colposcopy same room nurses etc they did mine at the same time took longer for them to set it up than actually do it. I will pre-warn you that you will smell the burning but it doesn’t linger just very strange. I would say not to drive home and have someone waiting outside for you after as I felt very faint coming out (not sure if this was the injection or just feeling like what the hell is going on lol) but everyone is different and I soon perked up take some chocolate with you. You’ll prob feel very tired for a few days after and they’ll explain all the discharge/ after care.

I would say not to worry but I know that’s impossible but honestly just keep thinking you’re taking the right steps to getting things sorted and you’ll get through it! The nurses are incredible and will just be talking nonsense to you to take your mind off it , deep breaths and you’ll do it. good luck and do let us know how you get on x


I am sorry you need to have a LLETZ done and sending best wishes your way.

I have anxiety and take medication as and when needed which really helped me prior to the LLETZ and I didn’t have a racing heart. Honestly you are in the best place with doctors monitoring you if anything did go wrong ( highly unlikely though) but I am sure you will be ok. The waiting for it and not knowing is the worst feeling x

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