Lletz didn’t work and smear showed abnormal cells again

Hi everyone,

im really scared and would appreciate any advice. 

im 25 years old and lost my aunty who I was very close to a year ago (just as this all started for me) to cervical cancer. She was VERY sick and I am still traumatised by her cancer..

I was first found to have abnormal cells and hpv after a smear after bleeding after sex. They actually said the bleeding was unrelated and due to hormones but referred me to the colposcopy clinic to get checked due to the smear. I had 2 biopsy's and they found cin 2 so did a Lletz treatment.

The whole procedure was really horrible. The anthesteric they gave me felt like I was having a heart attack and by some weird coincidence my aunts name was written on a white board in the hospital just before I went in so all I could do was picture her.

Anyway I had my follow up and Lletz didn't work because I still have abnormal cells and HPV. Low grade from smear but I guess they won't know for sure until they do the biopsy's.

how many times can they do lletz? Is this going to affect my ability to have children? I'm really scared they're going to find cancer this time. Should I think about having kids earlier than I wanted? Is my cervix going to be permanently damaged?

any advice appreciated :(

Hi Blueberry, 

From what I've read there are ladies who have had 4 or 5 lletz treatments.  With CIN they don't tend to take as much tissue (not as deep).  From what I understand from reading medical journal articles if the sample taken in total is under 1cm there is no change in risk of pre term labour.  Above 1cm up to 1.77cm increases the pre term labour risk by double.  It shouldn't affect your ability to get pregnant but you will be monitored more closely should you become pregnant.  Please do discuss all of this with your gynaecologist as they will be able to better inform you.  Xx

Hello :)

That all sounds really stressful - I'm so sorry - hope you're looking after yourself & have good people around you. I was jumping in to say that if your changes are low grade you might not need another lletz anyway. I had lletz in 2018 (I also found that quite difficult), then cell changes at my follow up 6 months later, and same again a year after that... I was worried about exactly the same thing as you. But it stayed low grade and I never had another lletz. My smear this year finally came back normal (though still hpv ?). Sometimes it just takes a while. Fingers crossed yours will clear up soon! X

Hello :)

That all sounds really stressful - I'm so sorry - hope you're looking after yourself & have good people around you. I was jumping in to say that if your changes are low grade you might not need another lletz anyway. I had lletz in 2018 (I also found that quite difficult), then cell changes at my follow up 6 months later, and same again a year after that... I was worried about exactly the same thing as you. But it stayed low grade and I never had another lletz. My smear this year finally came back normal (though still hpv ?). Sometimes it just takes a while. Fingers crossed yours will clear up soon! X