Leg pain after radical hysterectomy

I’m having real issues with my left leg following surgery. It’s been real sore at the top of my inner thigh since surgery, every day I wake up hoping it has gone away but it’s getting worse. Feels like someone severely kicked me! So sore now I’ve pinched one of my mums walking sticks to get me about! I’ve been to gp who advised me it’s down to the removal of the lymph nodes and will go away in time. Any of you lovely ladies who have gone through this surgery experience this?



Yes I had this same problem in my left leg after surgery. Although not to the point of needing sticks. Was more annoying and felt mobility was,restricted when walking. It got worse when I had chemoradiation and I too was told it was due to removal of lymph nodes. I finished treatment 3weeks ago and the pain seems to have gone away now.. The physio I saw explained it could be lymph fluid that was in the lymph vessel and had nowhere to go when node was removed so it hardened. She said it can cause the tight feeling but eventually these vessels will snap or something. Hope that makes sense. She recommended stretching a,few times a day. A warm compress once a day and massage once a,day. Although I didn't really follow the recommendations but was planning to and shortly after it went away itself. Hopefully yours will too.

Hi Shazzal

i remember thae pain well and mine unfortunately lasted a while. My CNS explained it as being from having had my legs up in stirrups for a rather long time. I don't know how long your op took but I was in theatre for some time and it made sense. It did wear off but took some time. Be lucky.  pleased everything else seems to be going well for you.

