Just diagnosed today

Well the hardest part so far is done . Now time to focus on rest and start eating properly again. On the 2 week countdown to find out the plan for the cancer team xx

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Eating properly an absolute must. Well done on getting through that difficult day. The next 2 weeks will fly by and as soon as you have your treatment plan you’ll find a whole new level of strength you never knew existed!! Have they given any indication at all of possible treatment? I had chemo and radiotherapy, happy to answer any questions as and when you might have them (IF you need either of those treatments, which you might not!) . Look after yourself x

Thank you. First job tomorrow is food shopping, I haven’t been for 2 weeks and I know I need to. Absolutely no idea yet . Hopefully I will know around the 20th and then I will definitely have a lot of questions. Thanks for all your support so far x

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Hope food shopping went well and that you’re managing to eat! My birthday is the 19th so im sure the good vibes will carry over to the 20th for you and your appointment. Ill be thinking of you and lots of us will be here for as and when you need xxx

You are an amazing person to even respond! I had the best news today that it is contained!!! But apparently 2 operations. I am so upbeat tonight that all will be fine. First face to face appointment is next week and :crossed_fingers: it’s news I want to hear :heart:

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Hey @Traceysm ! Fantastic news that it is contained! Really thrilled for you! Did you get any more information at your appointment yesterday? I hope it went well and that you’ve got a treatment plan to focus on. The surgeries will be over before you know it. Keeping everything crossed for more positive news xx

Have met the surgeon and it was full steam ahead for Monday, sadly I didn’t get the call I was waiting for all day today and I have to say it’s the flattest I have felt since finding out. Tiny chance I will get called Monday morning but I now think it will be a 3 week wait for surgery which is so worrying that it may spread in that time. Long long weekend of just waiting by the phone now . Hope you are doing well xxx

Sorry to hear of your diagnosis it’s such a surreal experience to go through and I instantly wanted to connect with people who were going through the same thing!
I was recently diagnosed two weeks ago, I had an mri which showed a couple things they are unsure about so now waiting for a pet scan. They have staged 1a2 but could potentially be 2 or 3C as they are unsure if it is in my lymph nodes.
The waiting and the unknowing is the worst!!
Hope all goes well for you and sending positive vibes x

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Thank you for messaging. I have had the news it may be in my lymph noads now too. Have they explained when the next steps are? This news has sent me into a meltdown, I hope your journey is going ok xx

Im .not sure wha to tell you.i was diagnosed with stage two cervical cancet in march of 2023 and im taking serquel
Is serequel used for stage two cervical cancer.and is serqurl both a chemo and radiation pill…

Wishing you the best luck on your journey xx

Hi @Traceysm , i hope youre feeling ok? Have they confirmed it is in the lymph nodes? If it is then this will likely mean no surgery and straight to chemo radiation (this is what i also had). It’s not easy but still goes for the same end result which is ridding the body of the cancer. Hopefully your oncologist will give you your treatment plan very soon. Xxx

Hi, still not had the scan to find out! Surgery is booked for the 11th so it’s now cutting it fine to say the least. I feel ok except so tired constantly. :crossed_fingers: we still go ahead next week and then start chemo etc but I honestly have no idea xx

@Traceysm i hope you get the answers you need soon. How are you doing this week? Sending much strength! X

Hi, I’m ok, surgery is Friday :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:. No sign of the ultra sound for the lumps they have found. But a busy weekend is keeping my mind of everything. How are you xx

Hi @Georgiethallasso
I have adenocarcinoma of ecto and endo cervix. I had a LEEP last month and colonoscopy. Result came back as positive for cervical cancer. lyphvascular invasion not identified. I maybe recommended hysterectomy and chemo too. Can I ask u about ur chemo experience?
How bad or managable was it?
Did u lose all your hair?
Did u prepare your body with vitamins and a strong diet to face chemo?
Just wondering if that helps at all!
Any insight will help!

Hi @Mona1 . I’m sorry to hear you’ve been recently diagnosed, but that is great news that there is no lymph node involvement. I had 5 weeks of Cisplatin chemo and was fine on it. I didn’t feel sick and I didn’t lose any hair. I did take some high dose supplements to support my immune system (chlorella, spirulina, an immune boosting functional mushroom mix, high does vitamin c amongst others). I also took CBD oil which I believe helped with the nausea. The hardest part of chemo for me was the steroids as they destroyed my sleep for a few days around taking them! But, each chemo drug is different so it’s important to find out which one you be on. Either way, I think preparing your body and mind for treatment is important so do whatever feels right for you. Sending lots of love and strength! XX

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@Georgiethallasso thank you for sharing your experience. From what I understand apparently lymphvascular is different from lymphnode involvement. Some people are telling me that my lymphnodes can still be involved as lymph vascular is different. I dont know! I have a doc appointment today so thats good.
But Im glad to hear that you prepared your body to fight this and i think I want to take that approach too!

@Georgiethallasso may I please know what stage was yours?
Thank you

Ahh ok, apologies for my confusion! So much to get your head around isnt there. Good luck at your appointment today. I was stage 3c1 - 5cm tumor and 2 positive pelvic lymph nodes. I had 25 rounds of radiation, 4 rounds of SBRT internal radiation and 5 rounds of chemo. Xxx

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