Im scared

Hi there! I am new to this forum. I had an abnormal smear result showing ‘servere dyskaryosis’ and high grade HPV.

I had my colposcopy done on tuesday and my consultant done LLETZ treatment there and then with a biopsy.

I am so scared and worried about the results as i suffer with severe anxiety.
I am a mother of two beautiful children.

Feeling so scared right now but am trying to hold it all together :heart:. Xxx


You remind me so much of me i have 2 kids too an my Lletz on Monday i had minor changes an HPV not the one highly limked to cancer they were going to monitor me but i opted to have the cells off i have severe anxiety over it all they did a biopsy with me too an i told consultant i was worried bout it she said not to she could see what was going on yet im still sat here sick with worry i wish i could wave a magic wand just no your not on your own an we prob should see the positive as in theyve caught anything bad early xx

P.s did your consultant doing the Lletz tell you much bout what she could see etc xx

Thank you for replying. My mum came in with me whilst having the precedure done and my mum asked the consultant if there was any thing bad that she could see and she said it was ok. But she didnt say much else.
They took a biopsy and said it was procedure for the rate of abnormal cells i had/have.
Its such a frightening time and im so scared. Absolutely terrified if im honest. I appreciate im not the only one going through this. I hope every one is ok and we all pull through all this the other side! :yellow_heart::pray::raised_hands::muscle::+1:⚘:heartbeat:🪻:sparkling_heart::star:

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Well first thing i said before i even went into have anything removed was is this cancer an she said absolutely not but it still didnt shake off the fear an they still took a biopsy so maybe Gemsie it is procedure an like me your fearing the worst case possible im still all over the show im crying not long ago it just has me up the left an im a single parent so i tend to fret more did they tell you how long for biospy? Big hugs i do know exactly how u feel xxx

Hope you are ok! I have CIN3 and booked for the 9th march for treatment. It really is a scary time trying to not think about it much! I just wanted to say you’re not alone your feelings a valid whatever you feel. Sending positive vibes. Please keep us updated with your results x


Hello Ladies

Same here. Have 2 beautiful children 11 and 13.
Severe cell changes on smear.
Had colposcopy early January and since that visit I have been a nervous wreck!
Been told my changes might be too big to treat in the clinic. Took biopsy. Waited till 1st of Feb for results with was inconclusive :woman_shrugging:t2:
Then waiting for mixed meeting on 10th February.
They decided to get it treated with LLETZ.
Another appointment on 17th of February confirmed that I need surgery under general anesthesia.
I have never been so frightened in my life. I haven’t been sleeping well and I constantly think about it all. Can’t get it out of my head. It’s like a massive cloud that blocks everything else. My body is constantly in this tense mode like something bad is just about to happen. Been trying relaxation and Kalms tablets but that didn’t help much.
Having my surgery on Monday.
I am just hoping that all goes well and I can just get on with my life.
I am very lucky cause I have an amazing partner that supports me. He can’t take it away but he’s there and that helps.
Hope you can get suport from family and friends.
All the best!

Hi @Ewka how did your treatment go Monday?xx


All went well. Thank you very much for asking! Was in hospital for 7am and was in the theatre at 10.15. Woke up in recovery at 11.15. Was feeling good. No sickness or dizziness. After I got dressed to go home my puls went up suddenly to 115 so had to be on obs for another 25 minutes but it settled down. Was able to go home around 2.
Once the drugs start wearing off I had like period pains and I can definitely feel something has been done down there.
The only thing that worries me is my mood. I was crying all evening. Over nothing really. Just feeling tired but I can’t sleep. Not got appetite and just feel so deflated. I know it’s only 1 day after the surgery so hopefully it will pass soon.
I got a sick note for 2 days. I work in a very stressful environment and don’t feel like going to work on Thursday at all.
Never been on sick before. I am never ill and never have time off work so I don’t know how it works but was very surprised that you are just suppose to recover after surgery in 2 days :woman_shrugging:t2: and get on with it. I am finding it difficult at the moment.

@Ewka im glad procedure went well for you please dont worry bout the emotional side of it i was exact same lastweek crying uncontrollably an feeling so out of sorts not myself at all i think its normal i actually think i done a post on here about it i got mine done last Monday i went back to work Friday it was ok but like you very tired an still am today im feeling bit meh an i have the biopsy results looming in the back of my mind too i think the whole experience is overwhelming emotionally an physically an as i realised today its upto 4 weeks recovery so today i allowed myself to rest if you dont feel upto work you take time off💕 go easy on yourself were all only human hope you feel better soon xx

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It’s a very stressful situation. I found that I couldn’t switch off at all and kept over thinking everything. Emotionally draining.
Awaiting for biopsy results was a nightmare and than finding out they was inconclusive even more worrying. Hopefully will get results quicker this time with all the information and fingers crossed it will be a possitive news.
I am taking it day by day.
Thank you for your kind words!

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