I have two cervixes?! :/

Hi ladies,

Went in for my long awaited LLETZ treatment, had to be done under GA due to a "vaginal band" that was getting in the way.

Woke up after almost two hours in theatre, feeling like nothing had been done down there at all.

This was confirmed when the specialist came in to tell me that they couldn't perform the LLETZ as it was discovered that I had two cervixes, possibly one had the CIN1 result from the first time and the second has the CIN3. They need to push the ultrasound forward and check if I have two wombs (as he did say before that "your womb is enlarged" so it could be that he felt two.)

It is a condition know as Uterus Didelphys.

Feeling annoyed that I still have CIN3 and it isn't all over and done, feeling scared that I've had smear tests since I was 25 (I'm 32!) and no one noticed? That means one cervix could have had cancer and they wouldn't have known it was there! Also scared that two wombs leads to complications in pregnancy, not to mention double the chances of cervical anything!

Only found one post on here from 2013 about this, so I'm not sure whether she'll reply.

Are there any other ladies on here with this condition? 



2014 - (Smear Test) Asc-H

2014 - Colposcopy / Results CIN 1

2015 - 2nd Colposcopy (with Specialist) / Results CIN 3

2015 - Went in for LLETZ - Not performed as they discovered I have Two Cervixes.



I know someone who had this - she had 3 children no problems. Hope they sort this out soon for you. xxx

Thanks Spacebunny, so do I! :)

Wondering now if my mother had the same thing and she had two children.

Fingers crossed it will all be ok, and to think I thought that having the LLETZ was my main worry!

Hope you're having a nice weekend. 

Hi Butterfly Rain,

would be nice to correspond with someone in a similar situation to myself.. I was diagnosed this year with uterus didelphys. Was a shock at first and was given a few different diagnosis before the final diagnosis.. I was having very painful heavy periods and just knew there was something wrong. I have had clear smears for years and insisted at the last appointment to have both cervix checked. My dominant cervix is clear but my left cervix has CIN 3 confirmed by colposcopy. I am waiting word back on the next treatment option. My fear is that this cervix has never been checked so is a worrying time but trying to remain hopeful. As it is a rare condition I have never spoken to anyone with this condition before so would be interested to know how you are getting on.. X