Hysterectomy booked

So my hysterectomy appointment was arranged 9days after saying I wanted to go ahead (talk about quick). Am booked in 25th Feb, first down. Have to be in hospital at 7am so good job I’m up with the baby early! Had my pre op assessment Monday this week. Expected a quick hour appointment and ended up being in there for 3.5 hours! They were very thorough in their tests and information. Have been booked for a laparoscopic so have a no fibre diet to adhere to 3days in the run up to op. Nasal cream and senna to apply/take. Pre op drinks for day before and morning of and then a sterile wash to wash with for several days and day of too. So glad everything is written down as there was a lot to take in. Assessment showed up a slow heart rate. I’ve always had the odd dizzy spell and had put it down to having low blood pressure all my life. Been told to record all dizzy spells and go to go if more then 3 a week. I’m suffering with helibactor pylori infection too which is not fun with stomach pain and severe indigestion but have the treatment to follow after my op. I feel like I’m jut falling apart at the seams now. The next couple of months are going to be hard but it needs to be done to allow my kids to have their mum around for as long as physically possible!! Wish me luck!

Best of luck Kelzm :) It's good that it's moving so fast! X

Good luck Kelzm!

Don't forget to stock up on the peppermint tea!

Be lucky :-)

Good luck.  I'm out the other side.  3 weeks post op this week.

I'd it done keyhole too and I'm shocked at how little pain and how easy the recovery has been.  I didn't have to follow any diet restrictions or take the blood thinners after so I got away lightly. The shoulder pain is the main big pain after keyhole.  I mentioned it to the surgeon and amazingly I had none.  Not sure how I got away with it!

If you've any questions asked away.   I'd everything except 1 ovary removed.  Emotionally I'm great.  Tender breasts yesterday like when I'm ovulating.