HPV results need help

Hello all, last year I found out that I have hpv as my Pap smear came back abnormal so I had a colonoscopy done that came back negative.

I returned in one year for a follow up Pap smear to where I was tested for different types of hpv. The results for hpv 16 and hpv 18/45 came back negative but my test for “hpv high risk RNA e6/e7 with reflex to hpv 16, 18/45” came back positive. Does anyone know what this means?? Just confusing since separate labs on 16 and 18/45 were negative.

It’s also concerning I have no idea how long that I’ve had this and I am in the middle of figuring out what/if any autoimmune diseases I have specifically lupus.

Do people typically get their throat checked out as well after hpv results?

Thankyou all for any input you may have.

*colposcopy lol

Hi Katt

I don’t know that that means about the HPV result, mine only came back as high risk. It would be worth checking with your GP or whoever sent the result to explain what this means. It’s so frustrating just getting results & not knowing how to interpret them. I’ve never known of the throat also being checked with HPV. Hope you get some clarity soon.

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Thankyou! I hope so too. I have a second colposcopy scheduled in a month so hopefully I will be able to get more clarity at that appointment.

Hi Katt_anne95 I’m sorry I can’t answer your questions but just wanted to say you are not alone! I have had exactly the same thoughts and so far can’t find any clear answers online or from health professionals. But I’m very early on in my journey so if I do learn more I will let you know. Currently I’m HPV+ (high risk but they didn’t say which strains specifically) and CIN3 awaiting hysteroscopy. I’ve been on immunosuppressant drugs for my MS for many years so it’s likely my immune response is always going to be poor and because of this I am more worried about things like mouth cancer, like you mentioned. I hope you get some answers soon, with your lupus journey also I know how hard this time in limboland can be.