HPV Positive, High Grade (Moderate) Cell Changes, Colposcopy & Biopsy

First time posting to this forum!
I am 35 and mother of 2 children, I have always attended my cervical screening when due and always been fine; however, last year I tested positive for HPV with no abnormal cell changes. I returned for cervical screening after 12 months due to testing positive for HPV last year and my results were HPV positive with moderate cell changes, and I was referred to have a colposcopy.
I had the colposcopy done today and the doctor took a biopsy, he said he is 90% sure the cells aren’t cancerous, but the abnormal cells cover a large area on my cervix so will need to be removed under general anesthetic. if they’re cancerous then treatment will be discussed.
I am feeling really anxious about it and just wondered if anyone has experienced the same or something similar?
I have no symptoms whatsoever, no abnormal bleeding, pain during intercourse etc. Although, I have always attended screening, this proves why it is so important for ladies to attend their screening as otherwise I wouldn’t have known there was a problem.
I have a follow up appointment next week to discuss biopsy results.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Hey lovely!

How are you feeling? Please try and stay positive I know it’s hard.
I’m currently awaiting my biopsy results. I didn’t have a smear for 7 years which I know is awful.

I had a smear in August which came back that I had high grade HPV. I went for my colposcopy on sept 22nd and am still waiting for my biopsy results.

Dr told me I have two very large areas of abnormal cells which will need to be removed under general.

I’m 34 and have four children. Sounds like we’re in a very similar boat.

Just wanted to wish you well and tell you you’re not alone.
Keep us updated with how you go.
Lots of love xx


Thank you so much for your message. I’m so sorry to hear that you’re also going through this.

I’m very up and down with worry, trying to keep myself busy and distracted.

My husband keeps saying to me that no amount of worrying will change the result, which I know is true, but it’s easier said than done.

Our situation does sound similar, I also need to have the area affected removed under GA. I’m not even worried about that, I just want it done to be honest. How do you feel about it?

Do you know when your biopsy results will be ready? X

Your husband is right k suppose but it’s definitely easier said than done when in this situation isn’t it. I’ve been told they can take up to 16 weeks! Which sounds absolutely absurd to me and I’m at week 4 now with no news.

Did you get any indication of how long yours would take ? Xx

16 weeks is such a long time to wait.

I’m very lucky that I have private healthcare through work so I’m going back for a follow up appointment next week and the consultant said the results should be back back then!


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I really hope it all goes well for you lovely. Not much longer to wait :crossed_fingers: for you.

Its so long isn’t it. I’m ringing every week and the receptionist is being really lovely. It will take me to past Christmas if their wait times are accurate and with my mental health how it is now I’m not sure I can wait that long.


I’m so sorry to hear that! The waiting is the worse bit, I feel like I can’t focus on anything or plan anything until I know.

If they did have your results, would the receptionist be able to tell you them or send them to you? X

That’s exactly how I’m feeling at the moment…like my life isn’t in my control strange isn’t it.

She said she can’t give them to me over the phone. She keeps telling me they’re still showing as processing at the moment and il get either a phone call or letter in the post once they’re ready…


So strange, and horrible, and doesn’t help I’m a massive control freak anyway, so being out of control is :scream:

I hope you get your results soon! Keep me posted x

@Charlene35 hi how are you? Have you had your treatment/results yet?
I am in a very similar situation. Hg severe dyskaryosis found on smear, went for my colposcopy where consultant said i had glandular cells and id have to have them removed under general anaesthetic. Im so worried about what he has seen. He said its a large area so cant do it there and then with local anaesthetic.

Hi @Anonymous175 I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this too, I know how worrying it is. I’ve had my results which he said are CIN2, they also cover such a large area so I’m booked to have them removed under GA in a couple of weeks time. Do you know when you’ll be getting your results? Try to keep yourself busy and think positively x

@Charlene35 sorry to hear you have to go through it too! Its the waiting and not knowing anything. No ive got a call from a nurse today to go through some things and hopefully get a date for my biopsy op…then i will have to wait for those results!

Hi ladies. I’m in the same boat, except I hadn’t had a smear for 18 years. You see when my daughter was born she was very ill (liver transplant) so in my warped head I told myself that I didnt need to know as I didnt have time to be ill Fast forward and I went for a smear because I wanted HRT (52) and four years into the menopause. Smear came back as HPV positive with High Grade. I went for the colposcopy and had a panic attack it, so was booked in the following week for General. In recovery the surgeon came round and said he was glad I was under GA as he took three large amounts and wouldn’t have been able to do that under local. He thought he got it all. Had it done last week so in the throes of an emotional rollercoaster! Just got to wait for the results and hope they got it all. Love to all and glad I found you all xx

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Hi, I hope your call went okay today. X

Hi @kirsteycarpet sorry to hear you’re also going through this! Glad to hear you’ve had them removed now and fingers crossed for you x

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My chat was ok thank you just pre op questions so im good to go. They said id hear about a date for op in next 2-3 weeks but im just worried how long it is as ive had hg severe gcin confirmed by smear and colposcopy and they couldn’t do lletz or biopsy there & then so that will be around 5 weeks until i have any treatment. I know its not long but i thought it had to be done within 2 weeks?

Please try not to worry, my specialist told me that it takes years for any changes to the cells.
How are you feeling? X