HPV positive & CIN3 high grade severe dyskaryosis



I am really hoping for some advice and help really - mainly to hopefully put my mind at rest. I stupidly have been putting off my smear for quite some time and after spotting a few times, the odd pain and constant tiredness I finally booked my smear up. It wasnt until I was at the Doctors that I found out that my previous smear was back in 2007!! I had no idea I had put it off for so long. My results from my smear then arrived 14 weeks later - due to the delay I assumed there was nothing to worry about. However, when I opened the letter it read that I was HPV positive and that I have high grade (severe) dyskaryosis, I then phoned the hospital as it told me to call to book for a colposcopy and then the hospital advised that my appointment is already booked for just over a weeks time and that I will be having Lletz looping at the same time. My worry is that I have been with my Husband for over 16 years which makes me think that I must have been HPV positive for over 16 years also because I have left my smear for so long I have no idea how long my cells have been changing. 


How long can it take for these cells to grow into cancer? I am trying to not think about it but that seems impossible. I am working but cannot concentrate on work I am just really struggling with the entire process. 


has anyone had similar?


Thank you xx

I have gone through the same as you missing my smear.
I have been with my partner for 15 years and my first smear test was in November 2017 (I am 34 !)
My symptoms were spotting in between period for 4 months, lower back pain, watery and foul smelling disharge, pain during
sex, UTI, persistent thrush. The symptoms have now gone due to the treatment. Abnormal cells rarely cause any symptoms, but I had all of them.

I know how worrying it is, I've had a lot of anxiety regarding this, but results came back OK.
Best of luck!

27.11.2017 Abnormal Smear at CIN3
14.12.2017 Colposcopy and LLETZ
30.12.2017 All removed, 6 months follow up smear
12.09.2018 No abnormal cells, No HPV

Hi Polmanta, I have a similar concern having been with only my husband for over a decade - that the hpv has been persistent for a very long time. I worry that my body will never be able to clear it. I hope your lletz procedure goes well