HPV + & moderate dyskaryosis

First time posting.
Just looking for a bit of advice really.
I’ve recently just had my smear results back & was found to have high grade (moderate) dyskaryosis & positive for hpv. I have been sent an appointment for colposcopy. Which is next week,
I just Dont know what to expect, thinking the absolute worst.

My results last year was hpv but no cell changes. How can they change so much in a year.
3 years previous my first ever smear test everything came back normal.


Hi i am im in exactly the same boat as you. I have been for colposcopy bit had a biopsy taken not treatment. The worst feeling ever is waiting for my results. Hope you are ok xxx

I have my colposcopy on tuesday, how did you find the colposcopy?. But Yeah I agree, it's awful, the days just feel really long. Hope your okay too. x



A smear test takes a sample of cells so it's possible you had some abnormal cells (maybe just a few) last year but they weren't picked up in the sample.  Or it's possible that there were a few abnormal cells in the sample but the laboratory didn't find them.  All tests have limitations which is one of the reasons why it's so important to keep up to date with smears to increase the chances of cell abnormalities being detected. 

It's so good now that hpv testing is increasingly being used as a screening tool; in your case this means you got a follow up smear test after a year.  In the 'old days' all you'd have known right now is 'no abnormal cells' and you be waiting for 3 or 5 years for your next smear test - not worrying therefore, but ignorant bliss can be a dangerous thing (I've been there).

Take care



I've literally just been through this. I had a punch biopsy done at colposcopy because they thought I had CiN2 cells. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be; a little uncomfortable but not painful. I was more worried about why it was happening. Got my results back last weekend and have been in for a LETZ procedure just on Wednesday. Again worried myself by over thinking it and it wasn't as bad as I thought; again just uncomfortable. The worst part was having adrenaline before the anaesthetic but the effects of that wore off quite quickly (fast heart rate and heavy legs) I  barely.felt the local anaesthetic which I was most scared about as I hate needles. Afterwards you just experience stomach cramps like during a period. It's not as bad as you imagine, over thinking it is the worst thing! You will be absolutely fine and the nurses are lovely mine had me laughing throughout my treatment which really helped.